A super morning out at the polytunnel! We took out a drum of water and got pots and pans from the polytunnel. The barins used a pallet of wood for the table and found some chairs so they could sit in at the café.
A super morning out at the polytunnel! We took out a drum of water and got pots and pans from the polytunnel. The barins used a pallet of wood for the table and found some chairs so they could sit in at the café.
We loved visiting the p6 class for some red nose games and to buy some red noses. We enjoyed the game ‘whack the rat’ and treasure map guessing. They were all so exited to buy noses and to get some chocolate. We had some cool t-shirts and crazy hairstyles in nursery too!!
A busy Monday morning! We made some pink play-dough with Mrs Gilfillan, and enjoyed getting out for a run around at the grassy bit in the Strom road. We played catchy games and enjoyed looking for sticks in amongst all the grass. When we got back, we played with the giant floor puzzle out in the courtyard. It’s good to get outside after such a windy and rainy weekend!
We all enjoyed the water tray today. We enjoyed asking lots of questions about the different type of jugs and materials. They loved to pour water into different sized jugs and watch the water overflow.
What a lovely few mornings we’ve had being able to get outside. We loved the beach on Tuesday and found lots of sea glass to bring back to Nursery. Today we went out to the polytunnel and especially enjoyed jumping in the muddy puddles that were a bit frosty from the ice.
Today we enjoyed doing Valentines Day crafts, learning how to play card games like SNAP!, building boats and little houses from the blocks and playing with the African animals. We got outside for a lovely walk after snack time too.
The barins have loved learning all about different types of dinosaurs and making lovely wall displays with their artwork. We have also been learning about volcanos, and we did an experiment that looked like a real volcano. One of the barins took in a lava rock that was found in Shetland a long time ago, it was very interesting and everyone had lots of questions.
What a super morning we had at the beach. We found sea glass, shells and some nice stones to take back with us. We had some really good helpers that gathered up all the plastic rubbish and put it in a carrier bag to take with us and put in the bin when we got back to Nursery. We saw a seal and a fish jumping in the water!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the staff at the Whiteness Nursery x
We all helped to decorate our tree, and make our Santa and Rudolf wall display.
We enjoyed making snowmen with the white sparkly playdough using loose parts for the eyes, arms and buttons. Lots of us liked playing in the water tray, and at the block play area. It’s been a busy day!
We found some puddles to splash in!