Everyone agreed it was a great idea to have our gym time outside on Tuesday because it was such a lovely day.
We played throwing games with different sized balls into a hoop and our accuracy improved with practice. We did some really fast running to collect balls and colour-match them into each corner of the muti-court.
We even had time to visit the playpark before we went inside for lunch.
We enjoyed some time outside today playing in the playground. We were lucky enough to be able to play with some of the older children too. We enjoyed running round and playing the game ‘Sharks’. Some of the other children enjoyed a game of hide and seek too.
We loved having the parents and siblings come to play with us this morning. The children enjoyed showing their parents what they do in nursery. It was great to see so many mums and dads come along 🙂
The children were all engaged in books today the library. Some of them enjoyed telling the story by looking at the pictures. The older children enjoyed taking time to tell a story to the younger children. There were lots of good sharing with the books 🙂
We have enjoyed the p6 coming through and reading books to us about road safety. We have enjoyed speaking to them about how to keep safe whilst crossing and walking near a road.
Signalong were back this week to teach us signs for family. We learned the sign for Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister, Grandad, Granny, baby and family. We enjoyed playing the game of ‘Guess who this item of clothing belongs to?’Â We also were all given a card with a picture of a family member on it. We then had to throw the bean bag into the correct basket. The children enjoyed throwing the beanbags.
The children then enjoyed using these items to dress up 🙂
The children have enjoyed different kind of activities over the past few days. They have enjoyed doing number games on the board and recognising different numbers. Some of the children helped to make a bonfire and make their own bonfire pictures. The children have enjoyed being outside chasing each other and playing catchy.
On Monday the children coming to nursery dressed up. We made potions and had lots of fun mixing everything together. The children enjoyed being outside and running around, playing lots of different games with each other. We also loved doing signalong, where we were learning the different signs for food!
Every Tuesday we have an hour in the gym hall . The bairns choose what type of activity they want to do and Miss Laurenson organises all the games. The bairns have been practising throwing and balancing skills and learning how to take turns. But most of all its great fun!
We all like to go on adventures in the community beyond the school grounds if we get a chance. Last week we went on a walk in the Stromfirth road and went off-road to see what we could find. The bairns were very excited when they found a rabbit burrow and enjoyed listening to the sound of the ‘waterfall’. The looked up close at the tiny heather blooms and took turns of clambering on a big rock ‘horse’. Stones were upturned in the successful hunt for bugs, and there was plenty excitement and future plans to return, with the hope to see if the rabbit is at home on the next visit.
This week we had a walk to the beach at the Taing which was the first time the new starts had been there with the Whiteness ELC. Collecting sea glass and throwing pebbles into the sea were the favourite activities. We saw a Shetland bumble bee on a purple flower on the verge and heard more trickling water noises in the ditches.
Staff reinforce road safety rules as we go along and all the bairns paid attention and listened well.