Children were learning about the 4 seasons in nursery today. They were able to put the seasons in order and describe what happened each season. The children were then encouraged to practice their cutting skills to cut the circle out.
Children were learning about the 4 seasons in nursery today. They were able to put the seasons in order and describe what happened each season. The children were then encouraged to practice their cutting skills to cut the circle out.
We had so much fun colouring in peppa pig on the interactive whiteboard. We loved recognising the different colours.
We had craft time outside to use different fine motor skills. The children enjoyed spraying paint over a piece of card for their Father’s Day cards.
We all done so well at doing the symmetry task sheet today. Everyone tried so hard and enjoyed making the picture complete.
For gym time today, we had some fun with the parachute. We were hiding under it, running underneath it and making it spin like a washing machine.
We loved doing an interactive story outside, we were acting out all the animal noises and actions.
We then came inside and created our own books, we had so much fun using our imagination to create our story.