Tag Archives: Curiosity


The Spring tide was so high there was no beach!

it was such a lovely day last week that we had an early snack and spent two hours exploring near the school. First of all we went to the Taing beach and discovered there was no beach! The tide was really high. We found lots of stones and had fun throwing them into the sea. We tried different styles of throwing to see which one worked the best.

Throwing stones in the sea
We found a Scaddie Man’s Head (sea urchin)
One of the frog spawn lumps we found
Searching for frog spawn
We found a big lump of frog spawn in the ditch








After the beach we went for a walk in the Stromfirth road to look for frog spawn. We were lucky to find two big lumps. We are looking forward to going back soon to see if there are tadpoles or even frogs!

Dynamic Earth – Deep Sea Workshop

We had a visit today from Catriona from Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, who did a Deep Sea Workshop with us.

We heard the story of Charlie who lived near the beach and how he was searching for a silver bracelet.

We looked at animations on the interactive board of rock pools and sea creatures. We took turns to put our hands into ‘Rock Pool Boxes’ to feel the contents and see if we could guess what it was.

Catriona showed us how some sea creatures blow bubbles and then we had fun catching bubbles from her big bubble machine.

Catriona told us about Charlie who lived by the sea
Feely, rock pool boxes
Trying to decide what’s inside
Playing a fishing game
Searching for the bracelet with our fishing rods
We all took turns with the magnetic fishing rods
A shark!
Looking at creatures that produce there own lights

We also had scents from the sea we could smell in little containers. One pupil said that the blue container made him feel calm – it was the scent of ‘Sea Breeze’. We all thought the green one was very stinky! – It smelt like rotten fish and seaweed.

We explored a big roll out mat of the sea floor, spotting different sea creatures and someone found the missing bracelet!

We all had great fun and remembered to say thank-you to Catriona before she left.


Broken bits of ice
In a boggy part
The north wind was cold on our hands and faces
Fun on the see-saw
We listened out for the scrunching sound when the ice broke
We broke the ice in the puddles

We went for a play over in Strom Park today. We thought of three different ways to play.

We showed good turn-taking on the see-saw and really enjoyed that.

Others played a chasing game on the ramp to the clubhouse door and the rest of us spent time breaking the ice in in the boggy puddles. We enjoyed listening to the scrunching sound as the ice broke, and noticed how water turns to ice then melts again.

We took great care walking there and chose the safest routes away from icy areas to reach our destination. We realised that the grass was the safest place to walk.  We had to go back to nursery when our hands and noses were freezing cold!

Happy New Year

Fun in the water tray
Trying so hard to pick up the bears with tongs
Drawing and practicing writing numbers
Colouring in Peppa Pig on the smart board
Helping each other to pick different sounds
Making a frozen jigsaw
Finished jigsaw, they were delighted with the outcome
Making pictures
Helping ourselves to lunch today to encourage independence.

Happy New Year Everyone. It was so good having everyone back in today. The children were very excited to tell us what they got from Santa. We had great fun in the nursery today, craft table , playing games, jigsaws, drawing with chalk and we went outside too.

We also introduced ‘serving yourself at snack and dinner’. The children enjoyed putting their own food on the plates and choosing how much food they wanted. There was good communication about passing plates of food and jugs of water. Great work everyone 🙂

Snow Day

Running in the snow
Group photo
Everyone loved being outside in the snow
Snow angels
‘Look its ice’
Making friends laugh
Having fun with friends
Say cheese
Running round.
They were all so excited to be having snack in the polytunnel
Everyone was so hungry after being outside
Enjoying snack in the polytunnel

The children were so excited to see snow this morning. We spent the morning out at the multicourt playing in the snow. Some of the children enjoying making the snow into snowballs. Other children enjoyed making snow angels too. We enjoyed following the lines of different shapes and making our friends laugh too.

We then went into the polytunnel to have some snack in there. Everyone was so hungry after playing in the snow.

Lots of fun activities.



The children have enjoyed different kind of activities over the past few days. They have enjoyed doing number games on the board and recognising different numbers. Some of the children helped to make a bonfire and make their own bonfire pictures. The children have enjoyed being outside chasing each other and playing catchy.