We got a surprise today when we went out to the poly-tunnel and our mud kitchen was there, it had been moved from the courtyard!
We made a café and had lots of helpers in the kitchen making pots of soup and cups of tea.
We got a surprise today when we went out to the poly-tunnel and our mud kitchen was there, it had been moved from the courtyard!
We made a café and had lots of helpers in the kitchen making pots of soup and cups of tea.
Something really exciting arrived to the nursery this week! The children were so excited to explore it and start to role play in the wendy house!
We had Joy the drumming teacher in to show us some of the African style drums. We loved following the beat and playing along to the music.
Some of children are really enjoying stories at the minute. We set out an interactive story of ‘The three bears and Goldilocks’. They enjoyed acting out the stories and feeding the three bears their porridge.
In the morning, we got the parachute out and played lots of different games. We loved running underneath it and sitting under it, pretending that it was a tent.
The children enjoyed getting the balance bikes out and having a go on them in the afternoon!
We had so much fun colouring in peppa pig on the interactive whiteboard. We loved recognising the different colours.
It was messy in the nursery this morning! The children had so much fun getting messy and playing in the gloop. They loved scooping it up with forks and feeling it with their hands.
We had fun this afternoon playing with the chalk and streamers outside!
We had craft time outside to use different fine motor skills. The children enjoyed spraying paint over a piece of card for their Father’s Day cards.
We enjoyed building a den at the polytunnel last week!