The children enjoy it when its show and tell on a Friday. This week we were shown some pictures of the Northern lights!! The children were very interested to hear all about it!
The children enjoy it when its show and tell on a Friday. This week we were shown some pictures of the Northern lights!! The children were very interested to hear all about it!
The children love when there is drumming in the nursery. They love to bang the drums and learn new songs. 🙂
The barins have loved learning all about different types of dinosaurs and making lovely wall displays with their artwork. We have also been learning about volcanos, and we did an experiment that looked like a real volcano. One of the barins took in a lava rock that was found in Shetland a long time ago, it was very interesting and everyone had lots of questions.
We all helped to decorate our tree, and make our Santa and Rudolf wall display.
We enjoyed making snowmen with the white sparkly playdough using loose parts for the eyes, arms and buttons. Lots of us liked playing in the water tray, and at the block play area. It’s been a busy day!
We enjoyed looking at all the different pictures of the cartoon’s facial expressions and deciding how they were feeling and what zone they were in.
We found some puddles to splash in!
We loved seeing the children come into nursery dressed up.
When we were outside this morning, we collected sticks to make hedgehogs. We used playdough for the body and buttons and shells for his eyes and nose.
The children enjoyed a walk to the beach this week. They enjoyed looking for crabs and shells.