Yesterday we went to the beach to participate in ‘Da Voar Redd Up’. The children all took part and done a great job at tidying up the beach. They were all very excited to find some bits of rope or rubbish to put in the bag.
Great job everyone 🙂
Yesterday we went to the beach to participate in ‘Da Voar Redd Up’. The children all took part and done a great job at tidying up the beach. They were all very excited to find some bits of rope or rubbish to put in the bag.
Great job everyone 🙂
We took a walk up Stromfirth road today to find the tadpoles. There was lots of little tadpoles in the ditch. The children were all very excited to see them.
Even saw 2 little Shelties too!!
A super morning out at the polytunnel! We took out a drum of water and got pots and pans from the polytunnel. The barins used a pallet of wood for the table and found some chairs so they could sit in at the café.
We enjoyed a trip to the beach this morning, the weather was lovely. The children enjoyed finding bits of sea glass, broken pottery and seeing how far they could throw the stones into the water.
Yesterday we enjoyed going for a walk with the full school. We buddied up with the p6 and they looked after us so well. We all walked sensibly and managed to complete the big walk.
We enjoyed seeing one of the children’s dog on the walk and some horses too!!
A busy Monday morning! We made some pink play-dough with Mrs Gilfillan, and enjoyed getting out for a run around at the grassy bit in the Strom road. We played catchy games and enjoyed looking for sticks in amongst all the grass. When we got back, we played with the giant floor puzzle out in the courtyard. It’s good to get outside after such a windy and rainy weekend!
We took a walk to see the frog spawn in Stromfirth road. We were all very excited to see it and can’t wait to keep seeing them grow.
We enjoyed a trip to the beach this morning. We enjoyed collecting sea glass and shells on the beach. The children had some snack outside too. They all sat so nicely at the beach and remembered their manners. 🙂
The children have enjoyed creating ‘Our Community’ wall display. We found pictures of different places in Whiteness and Weisdale. The children have enjoyed putting their own houses, sheeps and trees onto the map as well. They created the grass by doing feet and hand printing. They then created the sky by using sponges. They had so much fun doing this.
Today we enjoyed doing Valentines Day crafts, learning how to play card games like SNAP!, building boats and little houses from the blocks and playing with the African animals. We got outside for a lovely walk after snack time too.