Tag Archives: Baking

Last week of term

We did some ‘cooking’, we said we were “Making pie” and “Something spicy” that needed “Cooking in the oven for four minutes”.

We hydrated the soil in the polytunnel as it had dried up.

“We’re on a pirate ship, We’re the pirates”.

Mark Making 


We have done some amazing drawings this week that have been very detailed and involved speaking about different emotions of the people in each drawing.

“We’re in our bear hunt house”.

We said the bear couldn’t see or catch us from our ‘hidden house’.

We used the new polytunnel for a number hunt, some of us could recognize the big numbers from 10-20.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our tattie guessing game and purchased bags, the total number in the bucket was 230.  Well done to the winner with the closest guess of 205.

We tasted our tatties at snack time and thought they were yummy. We then used some to print in paint to create some great pictures.

Following on from all our tattie

work this week Miss Hay read us a Supertato story.

“Look I found some berries”.

Miss Young  found a rose hip, she cut it open us to see the seeds and to smell.

The autumn coloured rice has been popular this week for scooping, filling and pouring.

We built a den, lots of us could squeeze into it.

We loved Mr Travins singing to us whilst we had our snack.

“This is the airplane,We’re going to Africa”.

We had our gym lesson outdoors again, we did lots of energetic play, games and used great imagination and skills with the balls and the hoops.

We’ve been busy at the block play area making “hay for the horse” and “A Castle”, we did great team work to problem solve and  build.

We baked some cupcakes to end the week and use up cupboard ingredients, we looked carefully at the scales to weigh each ingredient out in grams.

Happy Halloween


On Monday the children coming to nursery dressed up. We made potions and had lots of fun mixing everything together. The children enjoyed being outside and running around, playing lots of different games with each other. We also loved doing signalong, where we were learning the different signs for food!