Mark making outdoors.
Mrs Gilfillan brought us in a big box, we chose to paint it and decided it was ‘A rocket ship’.
We got a new creel for our boat and caught lots of different sea creatures in it.
We love messy play!!
We have been looking after our sunflowers by giving them daily drinks of water and they are now beginning to grow.
We mixed up some soap flakes and discovered they turned into big bubbles.
We were great at looking after our babies, we washed them, dressed them and made sure they were well looked after.
We were happy to have Gym in the multi-court this week. We practiced our aiming skills with kicking balls into the wooden blocks.
We controlled the ball with both our hands and feet to get them in and out of the cones.
We practiced scoring goals, we all had great aim and were able to get the ball in the goals.
Whist at the park we discovered that there were no tadpoles in the pond but we did find lots of slugs and snails, slaters and spiders too, we were very gentle with them and put them back where we found them. We liked looking at all the pretty flowers that have grown too.
Miss Laurenson did fun Friday with us in the gym hall,
We did lots of aiming, throwing, running and jumping using different equipment.