The children loved having the parachute out last week that they asked for it again!
They were really enjoying running underneath it and making it spin really fast like a washing machine.
The children loved having the parachute out last week that they asked for it again!
They were really enjoying running underneath it and making it spin really fast like a washing machine.
At the end of last year, we planted some peas out in the poly tunnel.
We have been checking on them every week to see how it is growing. We found a pea pod with peas inside. The children were very excited to look inside!
We all done so well at doing the symmetry task sheet today. Everyone tried so hard and enjoyed making the picture complete.
For gym time today, we had some fun with the parachute. We were hiding under it, running underneath it and making it spin like a washing machine.
This week we have been interested about finding different type of birds. We went out to try and spot a few on our walk. We now also have a bird hide at the nursery, we love using this and trying to spot any birds.
We enjoyed brightening up the nursery with our new Spring wall. The children decorated a flower, bees and ladybirds. We are looking forward to adding some butterflies to it too!
We enjoyed being back out at the polycrub today to plant our own flowers. We each had a tub and filled it with soil and seeds. We are looking forward to seeing how fast they grow!
We enjoyed counting using paint and lego bricks. We also made some caterpillars using finger painting and counting the different legs.
We have been collecting stick’s, leaves and grass so we can make a pretend bug tray in the nursery. We had all the pretend bugs but we needed some materials for the bugs.
This week we have started reading these 3 books. ‘The Runaway Pea’ by Kjartan Poskitt and Alex Willmore. ‘Don’t worry little crab’ by Chris Haughton. ‘ Follow the trail minibeast’.
We voted on the book that was our favourite. The winner was ‘The Runaway Pea’. We are so excited to keep on learning and reading these books.