We had a morning of doing gym today. The children enjoyed practicing some skills with the balls. They all tried really hard at bouncing, kicking, catching and throwing the balls.
We had a morning of doing gym today. The children enjoyed practicing some skills with the balls. They all tried really hard at bouncing, kicking, catching and throwing the balls.
We had some fun in the multi court today with the scooters and the bikes. The children all done well with sharing and taking turns.
The children enjoyed a walk to the beach this week. They enjoyed looking for crabs and shells.
The children have been so excited to brush their teeth at nursery. The children enjoy toothbrushing and showing off how well they can brush their teeth.
Good job everybody.
The children received some new toys this week. They have enjoyed playing with the new outdoor blocks and building things and using their imagination.
They also enjoyed using the toys that were gifted from toddlers. The tractor has been a big hit and the children have enjoyed sharing it.
We got a surprise today when we went out to the poly-tunnel and our mud kitchen was there, it had been moved from the courtyard!
We made a café and had lots of helpers in the kitchen making pots of soup and cups of tea.
The nursery staff were reminding the children on how to wash their hands properly. We watched Mr. handy on YouTube to show us how to do it correctly. Mr. Handy even taught us a song to sing whilst washing our hands.
Children were learning about the 4 seasons in nursery today. They were able to put the seasons in order and describe what happened each season. The children were then encouraged to practice their cutting skills to cut the circle out.
The children are enjoying sensory play and getting messy. We set up a dinosaur swamp made from jelly bath. The children enjoyed playing in this with their hands and using their imagination to play.
Something really exciting arrived to the nursery this week! The children were so excited to explore it and start to role play in the wendy house!