We’ve been checking on them to see if they were growing and watering them over the months. Today we dug them and discovered loads of Tatties had grown, we gathered a whole bucket full!!
We thought we would do a ‘Guess how many Tatties are in the bucket’ game to be able to win a bag for free, this is available outside the nursery door for 50p a shot. We will then be bagging up the rest for you to purchase for £2 a bag, please let a staff member know if you would like a bag.
All money will go towards our Nursery fund for purchasing new resources for our environment.
They were all difference sizes, some were big and some were really really tiny.
We welcomed a new child this week who has settled in really well thanks to our current children being so kind and supportive! 🙂
We wrote some ‘Secret messages’ for our ‘Nursery Trow’ because he’s a bit cheeky and sneaks around our Nursery without us seeing.
We helped Miss Young bake some Gingerbread men to take home, we discovered when we checked the oven that they had escaped and we had
to go on a hunt to find them.
We ended up finding them all hiding in the library.
Miss Young then read us the full ‘Gingerbread Man’ story.
We’ve used the loose parts and playdough well this week to make some great imaginative creations.
We worked together to fill the container all the way to the top and said “Its full up”.
We’ve been adding lots of great creations to our Learning Stories.
We sung and danced around in the rain taking turns of the new umbrella.
We practiced our ball skills using different kinds of balls in the multi-court with the nice day, we could throw, catch, bounce and roll them.
This week we combined our Numeracy with The Children’s interest of cars and had matching activity out where they matched the number on the cards to the toy cars.
We went on another gingerbread man hunt, this time we
We’ve had a busy and active few weeks in Early Years-
We’ve made playdough (We chose to mix blue and red together to make it purple), explored colour mixing with paint to make new colours, baked some healthy pancakes, practiced washing our own dishes after meals, found lots of bugs to look at in our bug viewer & went for a trip to the beach where we found lots of things including a jelly fish, mermaids purse, various stones and shells & crabs!
Whilst by the playground we spotted a frog hopping around, Miss Laurenson helped us to release it into our pond where we watched it leap and swim.
Messy play (Gloop, Foam and paint), building with blocks and loose parts and exploring nature making ‘food’ in the mud kitchen and finding and learning about different creatures has been some of our favorite things to do lately, We’ve been very lucky to have nice weather being out and about too.
Miss Young who will be doing her second year placement with us.
We’ve made good use of the loose parts this week & have been doing lots of imaginative play with them, here was a “Fire” & said it was “Hot”.
We played ‘Families’ together and were great at looking after each other.
We created our own place mats for snack & lunch times, this sparked lots of conversations about different types of food and which ones are our favorites.
The kitchen was turned into ‘A shop’ & we used the till and spoke about different money and quantities.
We experimented how high we could get the blocks to stack then turned them into a road to balance on, we said “The floor is lava” so had to very carefully balance along!
We’ve liked having orange sand this week, we added lots of different loose parts to it for filling up and pouring. Some of us even liked having vehicles in it.
The playdough has been popular to create lots of different things this week, mainly “Cakes”.
We made some carrot cake muffins upon a Child’s request, we were great at following the recipe to grate the carrots, measure the ingredients and mixing with help from Mrs Morris! We said “They smell yummy” whilst they were cooking in the oven.
We liked being back in our outdoor area & have been doing lots of different things out there including block play, energetic play using equipment, water and sand play and being back role playing in our boat.
We liked being back in our outdoor area & have been doing lots of different things out there including block play, energetic play using equipment, water and sand play and being back in our boat.
^ We’ve had lots of happy faces like this one being back in nursery! 🙂
With the paint this week we used rollers instead of brushes and looked at the different colours we mixed and the pattern each roller made.
We made “A castle” using the blocks this week, great team work was done to plan how to do it and then create it.
This then led on to bring the Duplo Castle set out which we were great at building independently, even the tricky bits! We especially liked the “Fire breathing dragon” that lived in the castle.
We had a visit from ‘Shelby’ and ‘Little Dude’, we learnt lots of facts about tortoises from the parent who brought them in and got to feed them some flowers too. Thank you for visiting us! 🙂
One of the children told us “If I was a tortoise I’d eat apples”.
We made our own necklaces and bracelets using the large selection of new beads and were very proud of them.
We practiced some sports day events at the football pitch, it was great to have so much space and some suntoo!
The Primary Sixes came to speak to us about Bike Safety and the importance of helmets and did some helmet pictures with us.
– Nature –
We visited the Pond and found lots of things in the surroundings, We seen lots of Painted Lady Butterflies, bumblebees and some spiders too,
We were managing taking risks by climbing the trees independently.
We said we were ‘Mams’ and we were ‘Cooking’ for our Babies.
We used loose parts from around the playground and said we were adding “Sugar”. We then sat down and said we were ‘Having Dinner’.
We said the blocks were ‘Raspberry and Strawberry chewing gum’.
We wanted to take back some of the nature items from the playground and chose water and colouring to mix in with them.
We said the gloop was “Sticky”.
We expressed an interest in role playing Doctors so took out the Hospital box which sparked lots of conversations and learning around job roles.
Playing ‘Doctors and Nurses’.
We took down Doctor notes for each ‘patient’ and helped them get better with bandages and ‘Strawberry medicine’.
We requested to take the car mat and cars outdoors.
We made a fresh batch of playdough and picked orange food colouring to add to it, we said we thought the new children that were visiting would like orange!
We used the paddling pool for something different this week, we thought it was very cosy and comfy!
We love messy play so this week we had spaghetti and moon sand, the children then added Sea life as they thought it looked like a beach.
We’ve loved mark making in all areas around the nursery this week & have seen some great drawings and progressions in writing.
We were ‘performing’ on stage for Miss Morrison to some music.
We were scooping & transporting stones and watching them flow down the pipe whilst doing great team work.
“We’ve made a tower”.
Love Learning Love Life Day.
We were all great at being brave and performing what we’ve been learning with Joy in front of the whole school and Parents / Carers.
We’ve revamped our Quiet space with some sensory resources, twinkly lights and pictures. We’ve liked having a dark space to ‘relax’ and look at the colours of different lights.
We like reading stories to each other in the area.
“We’re cooking Dinner in our house, I’m the Mammy”.
“What are you cooking for Dinner?”
“I’m adding Salt and vinegar”.
“We’re making a submarine”.
The boys worked together well to source loose parts from around the park and figured out how to get them all to fit together.
Practicing our balancing and risk taking.
We loved using the mud kitchen, we found lots of nature resources to add in to our pots and used great imagination to ‘cook’ some “Butter cupcakes” and some “Chicken’. We then put it inside the ‘oven’ to cook. We said we set the temperature to “Fifty Nine”.
We had great fun spinning around in the spinning top then hiding under it.
Driving our nice clean boat after we gave it a good scrub. We asked for some colouring in the the water and mixed it in with bubbles and said “Look it’s changed colour”.
We all dressed up for World Book Day. Lots of the children brought their favourite book to school with them and dressed up as a character from that book.
It was so sunny, we spent time outside in our costumes. We were all excited and did lots of role play with the outfits.
Throughout the day we looked at all the different books and listened to and read stories.
Mr Travins has kindly given up his time to do some music with the children on Wednesdays just before lunch. The children really enjoy singing along to the music of different styles and cultures. They are learning new sounds, words and patterns through music. Often they will continue singing the songs they have learned throughout the day and a bit of singing around the the table at lunchtime is not uncommon!
We had fun for World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite character, brought in books to share with others, heard many stories and drew illustrations to make our own storybook. 😍