We enjoyed looking at all the different pictures of the cartoon’s facial expressions and deciding how they were feeling and what zone they were in.
We enjoyed looking at all the different pictures of the cartoon’s facial expressions and deciding how they were feeling and what zone they were in.
We found some puddles to splash in!
When we were outside this morning, we collected sticks to make hedgehogs. We used playdough for the body and buttons and shells for his eyes and nose.
We got a surprise today when we went out to the poly-tunnel and our mud kitchen was there, it had been moved from the courtyard!
We made a café and had lots of helpers in the kitchen making pots of soup and cups of tea.
Claire from Childsmile came to visit us today and we are hoping to start up our daily toothbrushing routine again soon. Everyone did a great job of showing Claire how well they can brush their teeth!
On Monday, it was the new Primary 1’s Graduation Day. We all went to say goodbye and good luck to our friends. After the Graduation, we got a party snack and had a bubble party.
Everyone did so well!