The Spring tide was so high there was no beach!

it was such a lovely day last week that we had an early snack and spent two hours exploring near the school. First of all we went to the Taing beach and discovered there was no beach! The tide was really high. We found lots of stones and had fun throwing them into the sea. We tried different styles of throwing to see which one worked the best.

Throwing stones in the sea
We found a Scaddie Man’s Head (sea urchin)
One of the frog spawn lumps we found
Searching for frog spawn
We found a big lump of frog spawn in the ditch








After the beach we went for a walk in the Stromfirth road to look for frog spawn. We were lucky to find two big lumps. We are looking forward to going back soon to see if there are tadpoles or even frogs!


We all dressed up for World Book Day. Lots of the children brought their favourite book to school with them and dressed up as a character from that book.


We played outside in our costumes

It was so sunny, we spent time outside in our costumes. We were all excited and did lots of role play with the outfits.

Later on we dressed up in some of the nursery fancy dress and swapped costumes with each other.

Throughout the day we looked at all the different books and listened to and read stories.

The staff all were different characters from books
Woody the cowboy from Toy Story
The princess and the frog