Yesterday we went to the beach to participate in ‘Da Voar Redd Up’. The children all took part and done a great job at tidying up the beach. They were all very excited to find some bits of rope or rubbish to put in the bag.
Great job everyone 🙂
Yesterday we went to the beach to participate in ‘Da Voar Redd Up’. The children all took part and done a great job at tidying up the beach. They were all very excited to find some bits of rope or rubbish to put in the bag.
Great job everyone 🙂
The climbing frame has returned to the nursery!! The children have loved climbing and swinging on it. Lots of sensible playing and sharing of the equipment.
We took a walk up Stromfirth road today to find the tadpoles. There was lots of little tadpoles in the ditch. The children were all very excited to see them.
Even saw 2 little Shelties too!!
So good to see all the children back last week. We had a very busy week which involved trips to the play park, the beach and a few walks too. The children loved doing the powder painting on Friday too!!