We had fun for World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite character, brought in books to share with others, heard many stories and drew illustrations to make our own storybook. 😍
We had fun for World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite character, brought in books to share with others, heard many stories and drew illustrations to make our own storybook. 😍
We enjoyed a trip to the beach this morning. We enjoyed collecting sea glass and shells on the beach. The children had some snack outside too. They all sat so nicely at the beach and remembered their manners. 🙂
We all enjoyed the water tray today. We enjoyed asking lots of questions about the different type of jugs and materials. They loved to pour water into different sized jugs and watch the water overflow.
The children have enjoyed drawing portraits of themselves last week. They all enjoyed looking into the mirror to see what colour of eyes they had and what their faces looked like.
We all enjoyed making pancakes this morning for ‘Pancake Tuesday’. The children were all so good at flipping the pancakes and carefully pouring the the batter onto the flat girddle.