All posts by Mrs Colclough

Snow day activities

Snow Day Activities


Primary 1
  • Practise counting out loud to 20, then as far as 30.
  • Count footprints in the snow!
  • Have a go at the game below- just as far as 1-30 level.

Helicopter Counting

Primary 2
  • Practise Adding out in the snow- throw 2 snowballs, then 5 more – How many was that? Put 15 stones for a snowman’s mouth and two for his eyes? how many stones altogether? etc.
  • have a go at the Robot Addition game below- try all 3 levels.

Robot Addition


Primary 1
  • listen to the song below. Practise the actions.
  • Think of words with ‘ee’ sound and words with ‘or’ sound.
  • write ee and or words in the snow in the snow
Primary 2

In class we were going to do some work on adjectives today so see how many words you can think of to describe………

  1. the snow
  2. how you feel about being off school

Write these down on a piece of paper or email them to me at


Go outside and play! I can’t wait to hear about your snowy day adventures. Below are some suggestions for what else you could do…..

  • Become a detective and search for animal footprints in the snow.
  • Create a picture to show what you like best about wintertime.
  • Go for a walk with a grown-up and take a camera to capture some lovely winter photographs.
  • Build a sledge for a small toy using household materials.