Snow Day Activities
Primary 1
- Practise counting out loud to 20, then as far as 30.
- Count footprints in the snow!
- Have a go at the game below- just as far as 1-30 level.
Helicopter Counting
Primary 2
- Practise Adding out in the snow- throw 2 snowballs, then 5 more – How many was that? Put 15 stones for a snowman’s mouth and two for his eyes? how many stones altogether? etc.
- have a go at the Robot Addition game below- try all 3 levels.
Robot Addition
Primary 1
- listen to the song below. Practise the actions.
- Think of words with ‘ee’ sound and words with ‘or’ sound.
- write ee and or words in the snow in the snow
Primary 2
In class we were going to do some work on adjectives today so see how many words you can think of to describe………
- the snow
- how you feel about being off school
Write these down on a piece of paper or email them to me at
Go outside and play! I can’t wait to hear about your snowy day adventures. Below are some suggestions for what else you could do…..
- Become a detective and search for animal footprints in the snow.
Create a picture to show what you like best about wintertime.
Go for a walk with a grown-up and take a camera to capture some lovely winter photographs.
- Build a sledge for a small toy using household materials.