Whalsay School

Personalisation & Choice 2021

A wider range of opportunities after school, changes in the job market and competition for jobs, training places and courses means that making a good choice of subjects in S2 is more important than ever.

It can be a worrying time for you as well as for your son or daughter. Naturally you want to do what you can to help, but this isn’t always easy!

Even if they want your help, and most do, teenagers often find it hard to ask for or take advice. They want to make up their own minds. However, they also know that everyone finds it easier to make major decisions if they can talk them over with someone they trust. The good news is that most teenagers say that their parents are the most important influence on their career and learning choices!

They want to choose subjects they will enjoy and do well in and which will help them in their future career. You want the same things. So what can you do to help?

Things you can do to help:

  • Find out as much as you can about the subjects on offer and the options that are available in Whalsay School. You can do this by going along to parents’ evenings and reading any information on subject choice that the school sends home.
  • Contact the school if you have any concerns or need more information. Ask to speak to the Pupil Support Teacher – Eyvor Irvine.
  • Encourage them to think things through carefully and to ask for help if they need it.
  • Discuss their options with them at home.
  • Listen to their views on their choices and how they see their future after school.
  • Encourage them to think ahead and keep an open mind about future careers (it’s too early for most students to make a definite career choice at this stage).
  • Encourage them to consider all subjects and future careers equally. Thinking of girls’ jobs or boys’ jobs is not in their best interests.

You can get more help and information from various sources.

  • The Careers service -Skills Development Scotland- is based in Charlotte House, Commercial Street, Lerwick.  They give advice and information on career choice and entry requirements. Our Careers Advisor is Alison Shearer.
  • Your child’s S2 Parental Report
  • The Pupil Support Teacher can also give advice on which ones might suit your son or daughter best.
  • Skills Development Scotland website – www.myworldofwork.co.uk and www.mykidscareer.com/

National Qualifications

National Qualifications include National Courses and units at National 1 – 5 Levels.

Pupils will choose 8 subjects to study in S3 and up to 7 subjects in S4.

  • Broad General Education – in S3 pupils will study a range of units which are designed to ensure progression and which will provide students with the skills necessary for progression towards National Qualifications in S4.
  • Senior Phase – this begins in S4. During this year pupils will be taking National Qualifications at National Level 1-5.

Courses will continue to contain work which is assessed and marked throughout the year by teachers, as it is at present. For example, teachers will continue to mark assessments such as PE or drama performances and English listening and talking assessments.

There are ‘Units’ of work which are marked as pass or fail in all National Qualifications at N1-N4.

Individual subjects at National 1- 4 levels will not be graded but marked overall by pass or fail.

Subjects at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher will be graded A to D.

National 1- 3:

These are starter courses for young people and adults. There will be no exams at the end of National 1, 2 or 3 Courses. The Class Teacher will assess work.

National 4:

Generally, three national units (blocks of work that usually take 40 hours to finish) make up these courses. They will be assessed by the Teacher .There will also be an ‘added value’ unit at National 4. These courses are equivalent to Standard Grade General Level, or Intermediate 1.

National 5:

Generally, three national units make up these courses. There will also be an externally marked assessment, in the form of an exam and/or assignment set by SQA. These courses are equivalent to Standard Grade Credit Level or Intermediate 2.

 Each pupil has a paper copy of the Personalisation & Choice information Booklet, a digital version can be found here:

Personalisation & Choice Booklet 2021


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