All pupils take music in S1 and S2. In S3 pupils can continue this by taking Music as prior learning before taking courses at either National 3,4 or 5 level.
Learning Experiences:
In S3 pupils will:
- develop their technique on 2 instruments by performing music from a range of styles and periods. All pupils will be encouraged to reach the highest standard of performance possible.
- compose and/or improvise music and learn how to use music software to realise their compositions. They will compose and/or improvise in various styles and using a variety of approaches.
- listen to a wide range of music, often related to the music they are playing or composing. They will develop a knowledge and understanding of musical terms and musical theory. They will apply this knowledge and understanding by describing music and assessing both their own and the performances of others.
Senior Phase – In S4 pupils will work towards a National Qualification at National 3, National 4 or National 5.
By the end of S4 you will have:
- prepared a performance of at least 2 or more pieces at the level specified for the qualification you are doing.
- performed these pieces for an assessment. At National 5 the assessment will be done by a visiting examiner appointed by SQA
- composed and/or improvised music to the required standard for the qualification you are doing.
- developed a knowledge and understanding of musical concepts, musical theory and a range of musical styles and periods.