Tag Archives: Fun

100 word challenge

Once I was watching tv and I heard a noise, then in the middle of the noise there was a bang. I looked around then I heard it again, my mam said “did you hear the bang?” I said “yes I did” it was a big bang. I went through in to my kitchen and it was my cat jumpinmg on the bin. I said “you are a silly cat, you scared me! I thought someone was trying to prank me or for halloween.” The next day the same noise was there, this time there was a ghost I was scared!

Friday 2nd of October

We did Newsround in the morning then we had art. We drew mythological creatures like Medusa and unicorns in Art. After break we did reading. My group read a book called William and the mouse. It was about a boy called William and his friend Hamid who had a pet mouse. We did our spelling test after reading. Before lunch we had Maths. We were doing subtraction. Some of us did a really hard sum. Then we had lunch. It was fish and chips with strawberry crumble. After lunch we did learning logs and some people finished off work. Then it was Golden Time. Some people made phones with paper cups and string. They actually worked!


Art, Music and P.E

We had Art with Mrs Hoseason on Thursday. First we were looking at other people’s  work from different schools. Then we were doing Mind Maps about Myths and Legends because Mrs Hoseason wanted to see what we knew. Our Mind Maps had to be very colourful and exciting. I did a lot on my one and I think it was quite good. We also had Music with Mr Bennett on Thursday. We sang a song  and then we played Categories.  Categories is a game. I like playing Categories. After that Mr Bennett let us get the xylophones out. We played One Man went to Mow on the xylophones and then Merrily We Roll Along. On Monday we had PE with Mr McNiven. We were using bats and balls and we had to try and bounce the balls on the bats.



Miss Nicholson’s Accordion

Miss Nicholson took in her accordion for us to see today. She let us have a go and even played a couple of tunes for us. We really enjoyed this and clapped for her. Some of us had never seen one before so we were excited to have a go ourselves. We asked to have another shot at golden time and primary 6 even came to see what the noise was about and had a go. We know where the ‘C’ button is on the bass as it feels funny. The accordion can make funny noises and can be very loud!

Miss Nicholson giving us a tune Miss Nicholson giving us a tune Miss Nicholson giving us a tune Miss Nicholson giving us a tune Miss Nicholson giving us a tune Having a go Having a go Having a go  Having a go

Having a go  Having a go  Having a go

Having a go  Having a go  Miss Nicholson giving us a tune

It made a really funny noise!
   It made a really funny noise!
I found the 'C' button
I found the ‘C’ button


Story Tellers

We have been lucky to have had storytellers come to visit us.

Renita Bayer, an American lady came in to tell us different stories on the 9th of September. Primary 6-7 joined us too. We had lots of fun! She had us join in: standing up, sitting down, singing and doing different actions. She had a nice loud voice so everyone could hear and used lots of expression. She put a lot of effort into the stories and even though she only had 45 minutes with us she told us lots of different ones! We would love to have her again!

Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller

On the 15th of September we had a different kind of storytelling. This time it was in dialect! Brenda and Laureen came to read us a Shetland dialect book called ‘Mystery at da Lairds Haa’ We really enjoyed this too! They were really nice and gave us all a book each to take home! They showed us a website that we could go on and listen to the story and there were games too. We wished they could have stayed longer and read more but we have been enjoying reading the book ourselves.