Tag Archives: Fun

Type ‘Onsie’ day at school

Today everyone wore their onsie or pyjamas to school to help raise money for Type One Diabetes research.

JDRF is the world’s leading funder of vital type 1 diabetes research. We would like to support them so that as many bairns as possible can live life free of this life-long, life threatening condition.

There are 29,000 bairns living with type 1 diabetes in the UK and that includes someone in our school. So to raise awareness of World Diabetes Day (14th of November) we are wearing our onsies! We were supposed to do this last Friday but unfortunately the school was closed due to bad weather.

Here is Primary 45 wearing their onsies

This is the whole school

Even the teachers joined in too!

The pupil council did a great job of organising lots of games for Golden Time. There were: name the reindeer, What time did he wake up, Where’s the penguin, how many sweets in the jar, a couple of tombola’s and a target throwing game. There was an obstacle course too! People brought in home bakes that were delicious!


We ate them at snack and the ones that were left were sold in the afternoon.

We have had great fun today. Well done to the pupil council for organising such a brilliant day!

Shetland Museum

After Kirsty told us about James Robertson and we looked around the exhibition we got to try drawing a self portrait like James Robertson’s one.



He had a globe painted with him to show he was educated and we think it also shows that he mapped around the world.


We had to think about what we would want the world to know about us. A lot of the boys drew something to do with football or computer games. There were also sports like, hockey and swimming, musical instruments and things we enjoy doing now or would like to do when we are older. We worked really hard on our portraits and coloured them in, some of us did not get them finished before we had our break so Miss Nicholson let us finish them once we had our snack. After our break we got to have a look around the museum which was great as our topic is Shetland. We had to complete a scavenger hunt. We split into 3 groups and worked together to find everything as well as having a look at everything in the museum.

We had great fun!

Trip to the museum to learn about James Robertson

Today we went to the Shetland museum to look at the exhibition on James Robertson. He is the Shetlander who put Jamaica on the map. He was the youngest boy of 10 children. He lived in a croft house in Gossabrough, Yell. His family weren’t rich but they weren’t poor. He was very clever. He made several maps of Jamaica and they are really good for the time they were made considering he doesn’t have the technology we have now. After he made the map of Jamaica he went to London and got a painting made of himself as well as buying lots of nice things since he was rich. He wasn’t nice to his nieces and nephews. It took him 12 years to make the map of Aberdeenshire.  He went on trial because the people who asked for the map of Aberdeenshire told him his map was wrong but he had worked on it for 12 years so it would have been right at the time he started. He only had 3 years to make it so they thought they shouldn’t have to pay him, he thought he should be paid for all his work. So they took it to court. He died before his trial so we don’t know who would have won. He died aged 74.

Our topic

Our topic this term is Shetland. Yesterday in Topic Miss Nicholson gave us each a map of shetland and we had to write down where all the places were. We found a lot of places. We went over this as a class to see if we were right. We were learning about Fair Isle knitting/patterns and Miss Nicholson took in lots of Fair Isle jumpers which we got to try on. (they were a bit big though) We also got to see a jumper board which is what people dry Fair Isle  jumpers on to keep their shape. After that we got to design our own jumpers and we got to listen to Shetland music whilst we did this.

African Drumming Workshop

On Tuesday 3rd November we went on a school trip with the primary 6/7s to an African drumming workshop at the Scalloway Primary School. There were two guys that took the workshop Bruce Ncube, he was from Zimbabwe and Seckou Keita, he was from Senegal. Joy Duncan from Shetland was also there. Hamnavoe and Scalloway  primary 4-7 attended the workshop too. We got numbered because there was a lot of people so we had to take turns to play the drums. They taught us how to play them which was great.  When we were drumming the floor vibrated. We sung a song – some of the words were: Zebelay Zebelay zebelay, cocowah, cocowah. We had our break in the games hall. The boys played football, we had a game Tingwall vs Hamnavoe – we won 4-3.  This was a fun workshop, we really enjoyed it!



We were busy making Halloween decorations for the Halloween party in the hall at the weekend. We had great fun making lots of different things. Miss Nicholson had lots of activities for us to choose from, she put all the choices on the board and we chose 2 we wanted to do. We could make hanging bats, paper chain ghosts, ghost garlands, witches, spider webs, hanging ghosts and lots more. We tried to make the spiders web out of black bags but they didn’t work so we chose other things. We really liked making the paper chain ghost.


We learned French words for a witch, a pumpkin, a ghost, a black cat, a pointy hat, a spider and a skeleton:

See if you can work them out!

  • Une sorcièr
  • Un chat noir
  • Une araignée
  • Une citrouille
  • Un fantôme
  • Un chapeau pointu
  • Un squelette

Miss Nicholson put pictures of these things around the room, she would say one of them and we would have to stand next to the picture we thought it was. The first time we did this a few of us got a bit mixed up but once she tried it again we all got them right.

We also got to play a quick game of heads down, thumbs up but in french. Instead you would say:        “tête baissée, pouces levés” and to say put your head up is “levez la tête”

After French Miss Nicholson split the class into two groups and gave us the bones of a skeleton and asked us to try and put it back together. We worked really well as a team and it didn’t take us long to put him together again. Both groups did make 1 mistake but it wasn’t a big one. We thought this was fun!


Today after we watched newsround we took the Halloween quiz. Did you know that the old name for Halloween is Samhain and that people in the middle ages were suspicious of black cats because they thought they were witches?! Hundreds of years ago people thought that ghosts would try to return to their old homes on Halloween so to avoid being recognized by theses ghosts, people would wear masks when they left their homes after dark so that the ghosts would mistake them for other spirits. So this is why we dress up!

We used words associated with Halloween for our spelling activities. We all brainstormed and came up with one to put on the board.

During golden time Miss Nicholson brought in a couple of pumpkins for us to carve. A few of us stayed in the classroom to help. We had great fun working together to create these! Everyone had a shot at scooping out the insides. It was very messy but great! When we were waiting for our turn we designed a face for the pumpkin. Once everyone had drawn something we put them on the floor and we chose 2 that we wanted. Miss Nicholson counted up the votes before she carved them for us. She said a couple of us could take them home if we wanted so we put up our hands to see who wanted them and then used lolly sticks to chose 2 people. This was the fairest way. Colvin and Lucy were the 2 chosen to take them home. 🙂

Last day of term

Today it is the last day of term, evreyone is exited. In the morning we were doing lexia or ERIC then we watched newsround. After that we did a quiz at 10:40 we had break. Then most of us wached hercules as we looked at this legend during our topic this term but some of us went on laptops and ipads. At 12:45 we are going to have lunch. Then we will write in our learning logs after that we will have golden time.   HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY.


Last day of term!

Friday 9th of October

Today it is the last day of  term! Everybody is exited for the October holidays and lots of people are going on holiday. Some people have already gone this week. Today we got Eric time Lexia and Newsround first thing then we did a quiz of things you know. After break we are watching Hercules because this was one of the legends we looked at during topic. During lunch break then I get picked up from school to go to the Airport and fly to Aberdeen. On Saturday the 10th of October I will be going to London then…


After lunch we will be doing  learning logs and then golden time!

By Lucy

Kanchana’s Imaginative Story!

One sunny morning I woke up in my lovely cottage. I was walking to the kitchen but before I reached it I saw a door I had never seen before. I was curious so I opened it and behind it was the beach. It was so sunny,the sea was looking yellow.I went along the sand and I found a cave. Inside it was pitch black and then suddenly the cave lit up and I could see a woman. She had a long black dress trailing behind her, black and red sparkly shoes, a glowing staff, a black crown with particles floating around it and burning red eyes. She said her name was Cerca. She laughed an evil laugh and asked me what my name was and I said “Kanchana”. She came closer to me and very weirdly touched me and I fell into a porthole but just as I was going to go down in to it I heard Cerca saying “good luck in the time of myths and legends, ha ha ha”. I wondered what she meant because it looked like I was going to find out. At first it looked like I was in a desert but it turned out to be an arena. and I heard someone saying “little girl verses Hercules” and I was l was like “what or more like when”. Now I know what Cerca time of myth and legends because that’s what this place is, a place where myths and legends LIVE! I still have to battle Hercules. I heard he killed a three headed dog! I thought about weapons to kill him and it came to life. I had a shield as gold as all the riches in the world. I had a sword that looked as sharp as a machete. I used it like a dart and it cut right through his head, it was disgusting sight, blood spread everywhere. then I had to keep teleporting to different placesand having to defeat different myths and legends like medusa,pegasus and even a cyclops. the last teleport place was at a dark forest and there, on  the top of a rock stood cerca and next to her was a person that I regonized. It was a friend from school but there was something different about her. She had BUTTERFLY WINGS!  I said “hi” to Emily. Emily flew to me and said she was half butterfly-half human! It was a big shock. Cerca said the only way to go home was if I killed her. So I thought of a boy and Cerca burst into flames. Emily asked how I knew to do that? I said because girls in my class hate boys. THE END! Teacher that’s what I did this weekend!

100 word challenge

One afternoon in my room I was reading a book and my mam came through and said come through to the sitting room immediatly! There was a terrible noise then … in the middle of the noise their was a big crash we took a look out the window there was a plane with lots of injured people so we had to call the ambulance for help. All of the people got to the hospital safely. 10 minutes later we were cleaning in the garden and I noticed something  it was a chest with a golden lock without a key.