Tag Archives: busy

The start of term 2

We’ve had a busy few days back at school, on Wednesday we watched newsround and discussed what we watched and debated whether we should or shouldn’t have wild animals used for entertainment purposes. We thought if they were being treated fairly and were being looked after then this would be ok as they usually take orphan animals or ones that cannot look after themselves. Then we shared a little of our news with the class before writing about our October holidays in our writing jotters. We had to draw a spooky Halloween picture and write a spooky short story about it. Some of us didn’t get to write the story as we had to go onto our reading. After dinner we made Halloween crafts – we will put another post up to show you all the cool things we made. It was great! On Thursday we had reading and maths in the morning, then music and class PE after break and in the afternoon we had French but this was linked to Halloween which was fun and we had to assemble a skeleton.