Category Archives: Confident Individuals

sports day

On Monday the 13th of June we had sports day. We were really lucky for such a nice day. 1st was the 30m sprint for primary 4-7 then. The 20m sprint for primary 1-3  then the next race was the sack race. The next race was the tattie race. After that race was the 3 legged race for primary 4-7, primary 1-3 did the quoit race. Then it was the 3 lap race. Then if you wanted you could do the 8 lap race after that it was the little ones race then the adults race. After that we had a picnic lunch outside in Gotties garding.

Coastguard visit

Today the coastguards came to visit us. There were two men that came, they were called Willie and Ian. We were split into two groups, one group stayed in the class with Ian to begin with whilst the other group went outside with Willie then after about 15 minutes we swapped. It was good fun outside, we got to pretend to be coastguards and save people. 3 people went out to pretend to be swimmers whilst one person was the coastguard going to save them. We had to put this life jacket on them, a helmet and attach a rope to them. Another person got to use the megaphone and shout to the people swimming to let them know they were going to be rescued. Once the ‘coastguard’ was safe to go he ran out to rescue the swimmers, once he gathered them all together as a group we pulled them back using the rope. We did this a few times so that everyone got a shot at doing something! It was great fun! Then we got to have a look around the coastguard pick-up. We sat inside and had a good look around, they had a lot of kit in the back. Willie asked us to stand at the front of the pick-up so we could see the flashing lights when he turned them on. He warned us that we might want to cover our ears as he then put the siren on…it was loud!! The group inside listened to Ian as he spoke about the coastguards. He was really funny. He told us a few stories about when it is appropriate to phone the coastguards. He also spoke about bombs! He showed us a few photos of ones that had washed up on beaches and told us stories about them and the dangers and that if we are ever unsure about anything on the beach then we should phone the coastguards! At the end Ian let us try on the coast guard hats, he had one for boys and one for girls. Nearly everyone tried them on, Willie even put the ladies hat on Miss Nicholson’s head! 🙂

Dogs Against Drugs

Today Michael Coutts came into school to talk to us about dogs against drugs.

There are 2 dog handlers in Shetland and they have 3 drugs dogs between them.

Did you know that dogs have 30x better smell than humans? Elephants have even better smell but they are more difficult to get in the police van. :’) Bees also have better smell.

The dogs and their handlers have to go south every year for assessments.

We got keyrings that had the website on it. Here is a link to the Dogs against drugs website if you want to have a look at the dogs in Shetland,  although Thor isn’t on this one :

Thor is their newest dog, he’s still training. We got to meet him, he was lovely. He got really excited when he saw Magnus kicking the ball around at break time. He just wanted to play too! 🙂


Evan on the moon

Me, Evan and Keisha made an animation about Evan going to the moon and me and Keisha were on the radio. When Evan puts the Tingwall primary school flag on the moon an alien takes him back to Earth.




2 planets animation

Me, David and Brandon made this animation called Two Planets. We used an app called ZU3D to make the animation. It was quite a lot of work because first we had to make the storyboard and script. Then we had to make the backgrounds and characters and props. Once we had done all that we got to start filming. It took ages to film because we had to take a photo, move the characters a tiny bit and take another photo. We had to take about 200 frames. It was a lot of work but I really enjoyed doing it.

Stupid spacemen animation

We had to use our topic (space) to create an animation which I did whith Anya and Ashleigh.

Before we could make our animation we had to do a lot of work first. We looked at animations and what went into making them. Then we got into groups and thought of an idea of what we could do for our animation. We were asked to make a short animation about space and told there had to be at least 3 facts in it. We had to think about the plot, setting, characters, props and the script before making anything. Once we had all of that we got to start making the background, characters and props which was fun. Miss Nicholson showed us the app ZU3D on the Ipad, this is how we filmed our animation. It took a lot of frames to make our animation as we had to make sure there were enough images for our speech. We were the first group to finish our animation.


Road to Rio

As we are learning about the Olympics this term Tingwall Primary school are taking part in a virtual walk from Australia to Rio De Janeiro passing through the various countries that have held the Olympic Games along the way. We are adding up the miles we all walk  during our daily mile and adding them to our walk.


We have already reached Sydney which is 1,603,333 steps. We still have a long way to go though as it is 72,380,227 steps to get to Rio De Janeiro!!


Building space rockets

On Thursday the 16th we were asked to get into the same groups that we were in when we made our posters. Miss Nicholson and Miss Morrison told us that we were going to be making space rockets out of junk. It had to be taller than a ruler but smaller than 1 metre. They had gathered a lot of ‘junk’ for us to choose from. We took it in turns for each group member to go to the desk with the ‘junk’ and select one piece at a time that we thought would be good to use for a rocket. Once we gathered enough resources we then began building our rockets.

Today we got to paint our junk model space rockets that we built.

Once we were finished we had to think of a name for our rocket, where our rocket was going and why and who was in the rocket! We had great fun and worked really well in our groups and with other groups as we had to share the masking tape.


We have been really busy working on our animations today. Miss Nicholson showed us the app ZU3D, this is how we are going to film our animations.

First of all we had to think of what we wanted to happen in our animation. Miss Nicholson told us it had to be about space and that we had to have at least 3 interesting facts about space within the animation, but the rest was up to us to decide. First of all we thought about an idea of what would happen in our animation. We had to then decide if we were going to make the animation 2D or 3D. Once we decided this we had to think about the characters we would have within the animation. We thought about what they would look like, how we would make them and the resources we would then need. Some of us decided we would bring in little lego figures as we were going to make our animation 3D. We then thought about the background/setting and what we wanted this to look like so we drew little sketches and thought about all the resources we would need. We then moved on to props, if we were going to have any, what would they be, how would we make them and the resources we needed.

Then we were ready to create a storyboard. Miss Nicholson gave us a sheet with lots of boxes on it. We used this to plan out our animation and what had to happen, what characters/setting/props would be needed for each stage. This will help when filming as we will have a clear picture of what will happen and what we need.

Then we looked at writing scripts for the animation as we had to speak in order to get the 3 facts into it.  Finally we looked at any sound effects or music that we might need/want.

Once we had finished all this we got to begin making our characters. background and props.

Miss Nicholson took us in groups to show us the app on her Ipad and the different features of ZU3D. We learned about the onion skin, this is the last frame you captured over the current image you are seeing. Its like a ghost picture so that you know where your last frame was and can see how much your character has moved. This prevents your animation from jumping all over the place. We then looked at how to add in music or sound effects as well as adding in titles, speech bubbles/text and credits. Its quite a good app but it will take a long while to film our animations as you have to move everything very slowly.

This is very exciting!