Mr Rose and space

Today Harry Rose came in for our second session on learning about space. Unfortunately the power went off during the presentation so Mr Rose had to talk without having the power point. He did very well to carry on speaking. We are looking forward to seeing the rest of the presentation next week.

Here are some more interesting facts for you:

There are 88 constellations. The most famous constellations are in the Northern Hemisphere. They are mainly named from Greek myths.

You could take a submarine right under the North Pole as it is just water underneath. Unlike the South pole which has land underneath. The highest mountain on earth is underneath Antarctica. We can’t remember what Mr Rose called this.

There is 50,000 tuns of ‘stuff’ that falls from space in 1 year! So earth is getting bigger every time.

Comets are made from stone and ice. The tail that you can see is the ice melting as it is getting closer to the sun. The tail always faces away from the sun as the solar wind blows it away from it.

Meteor showers (shooting stars) is earth going through the tail of a comet.

The closest star next to earth is 43 trillion kilometres away! It would take 4 1/3 years for a message to get there if it was travelling at the speed of light from earth. The speed of light is 300,000, 000 metres per second or 300, 000 kilometres per second. It would take us 7000 years for us to get from earth to the next star.

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