Category Archives: Science

Rocket science

We did some rocket science with Miss Fraser  yesterday. We made rockets out of paper and we tested them. They went far, some even went on to the road!

by Finn Liam Vanja

Drama on the Bog

Yesterday we went to Cunningsburgh to learn about trows, peat and bogs.

We learned about global warming. When the peat dries out the carbon dioxide doesn’t have anywhere to go and contributes to global warming. We got to meet two different trows who told us their stories.

Some words we would use to describe our day are:

  • really hot
  • fun
  • interesting
  • it was a loooong way
  • amazing
  • smelly
  • exciting

Thank you to all the organisers!

Bird Calls and Worm Charming

Yesterday we had a visit from Natalie and Karen from the RSPB. we did some bird calling games where we heard the bird calls and ran to a corner and if we got it right we got a chocolate bird egg . The poor chocolate birds had their eggs stolen.

After our game we tried some worm charming copying a curlew. By patting the floor the worms would think its raining and come up. We only found half a worm and 2 beetles. We tried again in the field and with more luck we found lots more worms.

by Alisers, Megan and Alice

Rock pools

Yesterday we had a visit from Natalie and Karen from RSPB and we went rock pooling. We found crabs, starfish, and lots of  interesting things.

By Vanja, Eldars and Sophie

Food webs


It was RSPB day so we decided to go down to Bousta Beach. We made food webs to learn about the rockpool ecosystem and learned about the tide with a clay cookie, an orange and a pickled onion.

by Liam, Finn and Simone.


The Five Kingdoms

As part of our learning on plants, animals and ecosystems, yesterday we were learning about the five kingdoms! We found out that these are:

  • animals
  • plants
  • fungi
  • prokaryotes
  • protoctista.

Here are some things we found out:

Alisers – Fungi is the biggest in our ecosystem!

Liam – the prokaryote kingdom includes bacteria

Megan – Animals are one of the most complicated organisms

Sophie – Humans are included in the animal kingdom

Alice – Trees and plants make oxygen and feed themselves through photosynthesis

Vanja – The animal kingdom is full of different animal species

Eldars – Some animals help grass to grow by fertilising it

Finn – All the kingdoms make up an ecosystem

Simone – We went outside and around the school looking for organisims from the five kingdoms. We found plants, animals and fungi.

Can you guess which kingdom these are from??

Frogspawn fun!

A few weeks ago, Miss McIntyre woke up to find lots of frogs in her pond. They had laid lots of spawn which we have been enjoying having in class. We’ve been able to watch as the frogspawn has hatched into tadpoles and are looking forward to seeing them change into froglets!

Megan and Simone do Edinburgh!

Day 1 – Off the boat and Tesco Dundee, Blair Drummond and Toby’s Carvery before checking in to the hostel!

Day 2 – Scottish Parliament, Camera Obscura, Dynamic Earth, Mr Basrai’s for dinner and 10 pin bowling!

Day 3 – Butterfly and Insect World, Bannockburn and Cosmos, followed by Mary King’s Close

Day 4 – travelled back to Aberdeen via Discovery in Dundee and SHOPPING


by Megan and Simone