Author Archives: Mrs Lawson

Euroquiz Heats

On Wednesday 27th February Liam, Achilles, Finn and Estera went to Islesburgh Community Centre to take part in the Euroquiz Heats for Shetland 2019. They answered questions on Geography, Languages, Understanding Europe and Sports, History and Culture. It was an amazing day and they worked very well together. Well done to the team from Aith who won and will be representing Shetland in May in Edinburgh.

Christmas Coding

Our Christmas show is called The Christmas Code – today we’ve been practising our coding skills using this website:

We managed really well with most of us finishing all of the challenges!


Volcano Experiment

As part of our landscapes project, we enjoyed doing the volcano experiment to see how mountains are formed!

All About… Nursing!

Yesterday we had a visit from Merran, a Community Nurse, who came in to show us how what we’ve been learning about the human body can be used in the world of work.

She told us all about the different types of nursing: community, adult, child, school etc and the different jobs that they do. We spoke about some of the different jobs in the NHS – a lots of us know people who do some very interesting things! She told us how to train to be a nurse and about the different things we’d need to work on to get into the training. There were a couple of us who thought it might be what we’d like to do!

The best bit was when Merran gave us a shot of some different machines! We used gel and an ultrasound machine to listen to our pulse, another to measure our pulse and the oxygen in our bodies and finally stethoscopes which helped us listen to our lungs as we took deep breaths!

We had a great time and learned lots – thank you, Merran!

Investigating Eyes

We were lent a super kit by iCare Shetland which has helped us learn lots about eyes. We got to try out the different equipment and found out all about how the eye works.

We Love Experiments

Primary 5-7 have enjoyed taking part in lots of different experiments over the past couple of weeks as part of our Human Body topic. We have been learning to write lab reports at the same time and have found ourselves to be excellent scientists!

We took part in the BBC Terrific Scientific Taste experiment to find out about taste buds. We found that everyone has a different number of taste buds which determines whether we are tasters, non-tasters or supertasters!

We also did another experiment to find out about how exercise affects our heart rate. We had to come up with a hypothesis before testing it out to see what happens. The more vigorous the exercise, the higher our heart rate. Some of us found it quite tricky to keep up with how fast our hearts were going!

Cracker Experiment


Eating crackers are impossibly hard to eat without water because the saliva in your mouth can’t produce quickly enough to swallow. So, you’re left with crumbs in your mouth!


Digestive System Experiment

Today we did an experiment on the digestive system!

First, we added banana and cornflakes into a bowl which represented our mouth,

Next we added water which represents saliva which contains enzymes which help to digest our food.

Next we added the mixture to our sandwich bag which represented our oesophagus  and added coloured water which represented different enzymes.

Then the mixtures was pushed by muscles into our stomach and churned around.

Then it went into our small intestine (which is actually the longer one!) and water and nutrients were absorbed into the bloodstream (the bowl.) Next, it went to the large intestine and excess water was removed.

Finally, the waste product was pushed out into the bowl – look at our faces!

By Megan, Alisers, Sophie, Alice, Liam, Haydn and Eldars.

Making the most of the sunshine

What a beautiful day it has been today! P5-7 made the most of the lovely weather and practised their spelling words outside.

Times Table Challenge


We all enjoyed learning a new times table game this week – using arrays. We worked well with our partners – maths is fun!