Category Archives: Expressive Arts

End of Term Assembly

Today we had an assembly to celebrate our achievements this year. We had written a top secret song for our three P7 leavers, Simone, Vanja and Ryszard. We had done a great job keeping our secret and our P7s were amazed by our hard work!

We also awarded certificates to each other, were awarded certificates from our teachers as well as some other special awards.

Here are some photos of our performance of The Ogre that had No Heart!


On Friday 15th of June, we played curling in the morning. The first winner was Alice, then Elsie. Even the teachers lost versus them. We had to try and get the closest to the black spot and the closest person won.

by Simone and Eldars

Dragon of the Western Sea Scottish opera

On Tuesday we went to Tingwall Hall to practice Dragon of the Western Sea!  We did a performance in the afternoon where we showed off all our hard work! We had a lot of fun!

Alice spoke on the radio, Good job Alice good job!!!!!


By Alice and Sophie