Primary 1 & 2 had lots of fun washing the babies clothes and hanging it up on the washing line to dry. They loved playing with all the bubbles they created!
May 4, 2023
by Mrs Johnson
May 4, 2023
by Mrs Johnson
Primary 1 & 2 had lots of fun washing the babies clothes and hanging it up on the washing line to dry. They loved playing with all the bubbles they created!
May 4, 2023
by Mrs Johnson
Primary 3-7 have been working in groups to create a news/weather report using green screen.
June 23, 2021
by Mrs Johnson
We had so much fun making popcorn on our fire pit.
April 28, 2021
by Mrs Johnson
Primary 1 and 2 organised a tea party for the whole class. They wrote shopping lists for what we needed to get and made invitations for everyone, a good time was had by all!
March 28, 2019
by Mrs Johnson
1 Comment
Over the past 7 weeks, the children have taken part in a social food group. The aim of the food group was to increase each child’s skills and knowledge in regards to healthy eating whilst as the same time increasing … Continue reading
November 12, 2018
by Mrs Johnson
The bairns have been working really hard to prepare for the craft fair this year. They have been decorating plant pots using stencils and porcelain pens and paint. Their fine motor skills have been put to the test! It’s been … Continue reading
November 12, 2018
by Mrs Johnson
Our latest enterprise project is very exciting! We have been working with Nort Energy to create an ‘undercover gardening’ book. The bairns have been interviewing local people who have polycrubs to get their top tips! Thank-you so much to Susan, … Continue reading
October 12, 2018
by Mrs Johnson
Our first enterprise cafe was a success! The children worked so hard and really enjoyed it. Thank-you to all our customers who came and for being so generous. The children were delighted when they got to divide up the tips … Continue reading
October 12, 2018
by Mrs Johnson
The children baked a chocolate cake, vanilla cupcakes, white chocolate oreo fudge and scones for their enterprise cafe! Mmmmmmmm
June 8, 2018
by Mrs Johnson
Thank-you to everyone who came to our Sunday Teas fundraiser. We raised £1,292.51 for our school fund. We are saving it for a school trip to the mainland. Thank-you to everyone who helped and especially the bairns for working all … Continue reading
June 8, 2018
by Mrs Johnson
The children have been sharing what they have been learning about in Health & Wellbeing with the education attainment advisor for Shetland, Mrs Hargreaves. They showed Mrs Hargreaves all the work they have done on Social and Emotional Wellbeing. They … Continue reading