Tuesday 12th September 2017

Another busy day.

The bubble dough had dried up a bit so we added some water and made slime.

We coloured in PJ Masks pictures.

The fire engines and micro machines were popular.

Row, row, row your boat … if you see a crocodile, don’t forget to scream!

Arghh! It’s OK, this crocodile only eats autumn leaves!

Lots of stories today, Elmer, The Hungry Caterpillar and Duck in the Truck as well as the songs CD.

The big bairns went first for drumming and we could watch – and listen – through the door.

Even though it was raining we still wanted to go outside, we had to get our boots on first. We picked leaves for painting and printing and took shelter in the greenhouse until the heavy rain stopped.

We painted with water.

African drumming with Joy.

Drumming video:

At Show and Tell we had lots of smelly things, a bath bomb, bubble bath, perfume, playdough, cloves … and a very cuddly dog. There was lots of sharing and taking turns as well as sniffing and water play!

The bubble slime and the scented water combined made for great sensory play!

We took the tough spot outside to clean it … closely followed by children in wellies to jump and splash!

Continue reading Tuesday 12th September 2017

Monday 11th September 2017

We have had an Autumn themed morning. Mrs Odie brought in some leaves from her garden to show us.

Singing and dancing in the rain!

We painted our boots to make footprints.

One of the bairns found a hedgehog in their garden. We made our own hedgehog in the nursery.

Mrs Odie is going to make a tree handprint.

“Look, I got a number 3!”

The girls chosen a game to play out in the area.

The lasses washed the peerie dinosaurs…. then they washed the sink!

We made our own water tray outside.

“We might get a rainbow because it’s a sunny, rainy day!” (Lori)

We found a clock beetle, centipedes and a slater. We put them in the bug hotel.


“We are going to Edinburgh on da boat. We need lots o water in case we get thirsty.” Lori.

We listened to some great action songs on “The wheels on the bus” cd.

We read the story of “Elmer’s Friends.”

Just a reminder to say can we please have toothbrushing consent forms back this week as the Childsmile team will be coming to visit the nursery. Thank you.


Friday 8th September

Look at what we’ve been doing today.

Colouring characters.

Playing fireman. “I don’t want my photo taken unless it’s real fire.”


Fine motor play with tiny vehicles.

Sorting, matching and counting.

We found some water to splash in.

Using our fine motor skills to control paint droppers.

Going to school on the boat.

Setting the table for snack. Does everyone have a mat?

At Macdonalds in Edinburgh.

Finding out about dinosaurs.

PE in the hall.

Playing games, listening to and following instructions and taking turns.

We buddied up with the big boys and girls and had playtime with them.

Thursday 7th September

Baking day.

Today we fixed the house up.

Made a bonfire in the boat to keep us warm.

“Look at the bumpy wall” in our accidental picture.

We took pictures of each other.

Counting,  measuring, chopping and mixing.

Taking turns.

To make a fruit crumble.

We chose a bike or tractor and got out the filling station.

The farmers need Macdonalds for snack.

We found a turtle in the gym hall. “If you wobble it moves”.

Filling up the trailer with muck to spread on the fields.

Playing with our new dough and singing songs.

Next the trailer got filled with flowers and grass for the cows and horses.

Playing with the turtle and singing Tiny Tim.

Building a wall to fit the space. Lots of measuring talk.

“I’m taking the flowers to the field.”

Collecting leaves from the garden. See what we do with them soon.

Who is in the ark?

There was even time for a puzzle.

Wednesday 6th September 2017


We made more music.

We did salt painting. It was great fun and we learned more about colour mixing. We used food colouring in droppers to mix the colours.  “Look, I’ve made orange.”


The workmen are going to make a new playground.

We listened to “5 little ducks” on the iPad then sang the song with our own set of ducks.

“I am the forklift!”

“We need a rope to stop the rock from getting away.”

We have changed our baking day for this week, so we “baked” some bubble dough.

The recipe:

We did calendar today. We learned about the day, the date, month, season and weather.

“I’ll set out the cones. You count them.” We learned that 6 and 1 more makes 7.

We worked together to make the tractor jigsaw.

We took the bikes out at the end of the session because the sun came out.

Tuesday 5th September

A much nicer day outside than yesterday so we didn’t need to hold on to each other to stop us blowing away!

The big bairns were out playing so we joined in.

Sand play, we made a beach!

We welcomed a new pupil.

We watched the ferry coming in and waved to the captain. He waved back and tooted the horn.

Drawing pictures



Can you spot the grapes in Oliver’s photograph?

We picked grapes to have at snack time!

Having fun in the playhouse.

“This is my calendar and I have crosses for the times when we were here.”

We had a visit from Joy and her African drums. We drummed, sang and danced. We had to do good listening and take turns. We even did counting in French, Spanish and Shetland dialect.

Video of us dancing:


We listened to The Magic Porridge Pot story.

We had show and tell today. This tool box plays music!

Monday 4th September

A busy day today with an unusually all girl group.

We had great fun with the water beads.

The big bairns came for a visit and a play at break time.

We made lots of sandcastles.

We took out the Barbies and Action Men and made Barbie  City with some shoeboxes.

We are reading Elmer stories and making an Elmer display with our artwork. Today we did printing with apples and peppers. We listened to the story Elmer and the Windy Day. The elephants in the story held onto each other so they didn’t blow away so we went outside in the wind holding onto each other too.

We did writing and photocopied it.

We made the tea with noodles.

The big car got stuck in the garage but it was rescued – phew!

We overlapped cellophane on the light box to make new colours and cut up pies to make our own patterns.

We enjoyed playing with the musical instruments today.

Below is a video of a music session with the band.


We would be delighted to get comments on our blog, please feel free to leave some!

Friday 1st September 2017

A very busy morning in nursery.

“I want to play with da sand, I can mak sandcastles.”

“It’s Elmer!”

More tattie printing.

Someone is good at balancing!

We made some cupcakes to sell at the charity teas in the hall this weekend. We weighed and measured ingredients on our new digital scales. Continue reading Friday 1st September 2017

Thursday 31st August 2017

A busy morning.

We put some water beads in the water tray. They got bigger and bigger and bigger!

We used craft sticks and cellophane to make shapes.

Making colour choices.

Snap, snap, snapping!

Making courses with cones.

The beads got bigger!

“They feel slimey.”

Deciding which way to go on the bikes.

Our craft on the light box.

We had snack with the older children and played outside with them.

Catching fish.

Following instructions to brush our teeth.

Singing some rhymes and learning the actions.

Wednesday 30th August

Lots of imaginative play today.

The boat went into the boat shed to be fixed. We used the rope to tow it. Later we made swimming pools, a paddling pool, burgers and a combine harvester.

We played music to help the builders.

We measured with spoons and scoops.

The door stickers move so we changed some of the diggers.

We picked some beans to put into our stir fry snack.

Working out how to get the beans out was tricky. Next we counted how many beans we had. Then we talked about what the pod feels like.

The snack helpers washed and peeled.

Then we chopped our vegetables.

Time to cook.

The noodles were so long and wiggly. We looked at the noodles and talked about the change from hard to soft.

There was lots of outdoor play today. Bubble blowing, catching and stamping too.

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