Monday 11th September 2017

We have had an Autumn themed morning. Mrs Odie brought in some leaves from her garden to show us.

Singing and dancing in the rain!

We painted our boots to make footprints.

One of the bairns found a hedgehog in their garden. We made our own hedgehog in the nursery.

Mrs Odie is going to make a tree handprint.

“Look, I got a number 3!”

The girls chosen a game to play out in the area.

The lasses washed the peerie dinosaurs…. then they washed the sink!

We made our own water tray outside.

“We might get a rainbow because it’s a sunny, rainy day!” (Lori)

We found a clock beetle, centipedes and a slater. We put them in the bug hotel.


“We are going to Edinburgh on da boat. We need lots o water in case we get thirsty.” Lori.

We listened to some great action songs on “The wheels on the bus” cd.

We read the story of “Elmer’s Friends.”

Just a reminder to say can we please have toothbrushing consent forms back this week as the Childsmile team will be coming to visit the nursery. Thank you.


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