All posts by Mrs Moar

Trip to Quendale Mill 11/05/23

We enjoyed another super trip out to visit the Quendale watermill. Joyce and John were great guides, teaching us about how the mill worked and the life and work of the miller and crofters in the past. There was so much to see that lots of people thought they would have to come back again.

Snow Day Tuesday 14th March

Well here we are again, another snow day.  I hope you are all well and keeping cosy.  As always I would encourage everyone to get outside and enjoy playing in the snow if they can, that will be your PE for today!

Here are a few more suggestions to add to last weeks ones that you can try at home if you are able to:


There is times tables practice on Sumdog for all the p3/4 children.


Read your reading book or another book from home.

Watch a film and write a short review of it-What was it about, what did you think of it?

Play a board game.


Make a collage picture of a snowman/snowy scene with scraps of paper/materials at home.


Another snow day!

Here we are again, another unexpected snow day.  I hope you were all able to enjoy some time outdoors in the lovely sunny weather yesterday afternoon.

Here are some activities you can try today.


Practice multiplying with snowballs!

Make lots of snowballs and set them out in equal groups e.g. 4 groups of 2   4X2=        5 groups of 3  5X3=     etc.  Then have a snowball fight!

If you can’t get outside do the same with objects inside. (But don’t throw them!)

Write out your favourite times table and practice it.

Write out your least favourite and practice it.

P2 Maths Group

Snowy number stories:  18 snowflakes fell on Monday, 10 on Tuesday and 7 on Wednesday. How many fell altogether?  Now make up your own snow number story and draw a picture to go with it.



Read your reading book if you have it at home or any book of your own at home.

Make a snowman (or snow Viking ) Draw a picture and write a story about him/her  (or just write some words to describe him/her)

Your spelling words for this week are live on Sumdog now also.

Try to find the Up Helly Aa song online (if you don’t know the words) and practice singing for Friday!

SMUHA week!

Here we are preparing for SMUHA. We have been painting torches, designing shields, making helmets and colouring the lovely Galley pictures that Willum brought in to share with the class. Thank you Willum!


P2/3/4 had a great morning on Monday when we watched the Bodyworks roadshow followed by taking part in the workshop and trying all the activities.  It was a fun, interactive way of learning about our bodies.  Everyone listened well and were keen to volunteer to help with the demonstrations.



Term 2

Our class recently enjoyed a trip to the schools art exhibition in the museum.  There was such a lot of fantastic work to see!  Thank you to all those who came along to help.

We have been working on some Christmas crafts and hope you liked the childrens’ handprint wreath cards.  The wreaths will be coming home soon.

We have been practicing hard for our carol concert and hope we are still able to perform to parents and families, but this will depend on weather conditions.

Hopefully we will be back in school by Friday  when we will have our class treat to look forward to as well as having a few extra days to open on our class Advent calendar display!

Then it will be the final countdown to the Christmas holidays with our Christmas party on Monday afternoon.

I hope you are all keeping safe and warm in this cold weather and we wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!