
We are very sad to have cancelled SMUHA day here at DPS.

The Music Festival has also been cancelled.

We hope to hold a concert in the school at a later date so that our Music Festival attendees get a chance to showcase their talents. We can’t plan anything at this time.

There will be no P2/3 or P1/2 class assemblies this term.


SMUHA is fast approaching and plans are afoot for another wonderful SMUHA week! Once plans are finalised later this week for Monday to Thursday we will share the timetable. We would love for friends and family to come in and join us for some of the activities.

SMUHA DAY – All Welcome

9.15: Muster in playground

9.30: Procession led by P7 Jarl Squad

10.00: Burning at Boddam Playing Field

11.00: Teas, coffees, cakes and biscuits for sale in school. A chance to buy some SMUHA Enterprise produce.

11.30: Squad Acts in hall

2.00: Jarl Squad arrives in school

Please join us if you can. Best day of the school year!

Registration, Enrollment, Placing Requests

Here are some important dates for enrolling into nursery, P1 or secondary school. These paragraphs are copied from the SIC Admissions Policy. The full policy can be viewed in our For Parents – Policies tab.

Nursery Registration

Registration week for ELC will take place between the 7 and 14 February 2020. The link to the online registration form along with a detailed registration guide for parents and carers will be found at

Deferred Entry to P1

Parents of children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st January and 28th/29th  February have the automatic right to defer the entry of their child into Primary 1. All parents/careres wishing to automatically defer their child, must complete Section A of the deferred entry form which can be found at:

Parents of children whose birthday falls between the start of the school session in August and 31st December, can request deferral, but the granting of it is at the discretion of the local authority. For these parents, therefore, it is important that you ask them to complete Section A and B of the deferred entry form (link above) if they enquire about deferral. The Head Teacher / Manager must then complete Section C and submit to Children’s Services by 15 March for determination by 30 April.

Enrollment to P1

Parents are asked to enroll their children for P1 for the 20/21 session during the week Monday 10th – Friday 14th February. Forms are available from the school office or nursery.

Placing Request Notice

A Placing Request Notice will appear in the Shetland Times on Friday 31st January.  The notice requests that parents who wish their child(ren) to attend a school which is not their local catchment area school, for the start of the new school session in August 2020, to make a placing request no later than 15th March 2020.  These requests will be decided upon by 30th April 2020.


Easy Fundraising

Were you aware that Dunrossness Primary School has an easy fundraising account?
It is easy to use, you can set up a reminder that ‘pops up’ when you are shopping at a site where fundraising is available, and costs you nothing!!
A percentage of your spend goes to the school funds.
Click the link to get started! Starting Monday they are having a ‘double donations’ week!!

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