Tag Archives: Writing

500 Words 2020

Last week we started our 500 words. We watched a live lesson. It was about when we could set our stories and being able to mix them up in to amazing stories. The hosts were Zoe Ball, Hacker Tdog and Radzi. The Judges were the special guests and they told us how they like to read the stories each year and like to be dragged in to the stories. We look forward to entering our stories in the competition and waiting for the results! by Daisy and Gene

P6 & 7s short week

It was a short week, we started on Wednesday. During the three days of school we have been writing out our spythrillers. P6/7 had to create a villain and a hero and write a story about them. We had to use emphasis and interesting vocabulary.🔤

In French this week we learned the numbers up to 50 and we played a game called Splat! We enjoyed it and the blue team won. In Splat! You have to splat the number Mr. Balfour says in French and the first one to get it gets a point for their team.🇫🇷

We got to do Yoga today with Mrs Nicolson and it helped us relax and feel comfortable. We watched a Yoga video on YouTube and followed what she said we should do. We had to stretch and do strange Yoga poses. (It was very sore)😋

By Storm & Oriana😎

P2/3 Viking Diaries

Throughout our topic, we have been keeping Viking diaries to demonstrate our learning. At the start of the term, we all created Viking characters, and every time we learn something new about Vikings, we write a diary entry about it! So far we have discussed leaving home, travelling in a long ship, living in a longhouse and today we wrote about our Viking jobs! We have been following our writing targets, and when we finish, we self-assess our writing using traffic lights. We have also been drawing pictures to go with our writing, and decorated the covers to make them look like Viking diaries!

Mystery at Da Laird’s Haa / Author Visit


Bookmaker Visit by Robert P.4

After milk break a book writer came in to talk to P3/4/5.  She was called Christine De Luca and at the same time Iris Sandison was talking to P6/7.  Christine gave us all a book each to keep it was ‘Mystery at da Laird’s Haa’ by Bjorn Sandison.  It was fun and I enjoyed it.  She read us some bits from the book and we read bits too.   It had a lot of Shetland Dialect. Here is some I know – Muckle (big) and Peerie (small) and I know some others.  She said we should be proud of knowing Shetland Dialect because it is special.  I am looking forward to reading some more when I take my book home.

Picture by Evie P.3
Picture by Evie P.3
Mystery at da Lairds Haa with Christine De Luca
Mystery at da Lairds Haa with Christine De Luca

*(You can also listen to the story online @ www.hanselcooperativepress.co.uk)