Tag Archives: Westside

Walls and district Brownie Jarl squad Visit Aith JHS

Don’t they just look fantastic in their Viking finery?  

Fantastic singing and a skilful demonstration of the cup-song too

              Angela showed us the original Jarl shield from 1987.  She was the Jarl the following year, perhaps Ruby might follow in her mum’s footsteps one day.

30 Years on and still going strong, Three Cheers for the Walls Up-Helly-Aa!

Well Done Magnus!

Magnus brought in something very special to show his classmates. He had won the Shetland Swimming age championships Peterson Trophy.  The first time the trophy was presented was in 1979 – can you work out how many names are on the trophy now? (A new name is added each year) Well done to all Westside sharks for doing so well both in the competitions and the dedication you show every week in training.  Mrs Redfern is also very pleased how well everyone is progressing in their school swimming lessons too!

Shark attack!
Shark attack!