Tag Archives: successful learners

Primary Toy Sale

Primary 1 held their toy sale today to raise money to help pay for their trip to Up Helly Aa next Tuesday.  We received donations of lovely toys, books and games and at 2.00pm there was a mad rush of buying and selling.  Nearly everything was sold.

Primary 1 helped count the money and we were delighted to discover that we had raised about £115!  This will help pay for the bus and possibly a snack for everybody.

Thank you to everyone who donated toys and to everyone who bought from the sale.

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S2 came to visit P1

Miss Fraser and secondary 2 came to our classroom this morning to show us how to make circuits, buzz buzzers, use switches and light up bulbs.  We really enjoyed it.

Hector said “I liked the buzzing thing.”

Liena said “I liked when we made the red, green and blue lights.”

Bobby said “I liked the magic key one that made the fan turn fast.”

Reeta said “I liked lighting up Rudolf’s nose.”


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P2/3 Topic-Houses and homes(Term 2)


P1020739Primary 2/3 went on a school trip to the Lerwick PowerStation and Lerwick museum as part of their topic on Houses and homes(Electricity and Technology).

“It was spectacular” By Isla Willmore

“It was awesome” By Josh Duncan

P1020743 P1020748 “I loved learning about electricity at the PowerStation” By Liam Manson










Primary 2/3 made pop up 3D houses. They also worked with a partner to build amazing Lego houses and write out instructions for someone else to create their Lego house.

“It was lots of fun” By Josh Duncan

“I liked working with a partner to build the Lego houses” By Isla Willmore

“I liked making the Lego houses” By Liam Manson






Christmas Task Force!

Today we were doing our Task Force, based on the 12 days of Christmas. Task Force is activities we do in groups with mixed classes, from primary 1 to 7. We look after the school and make sure it is kept in good condition. But sometimes we do big group craft activities like at Christmas and Easter. Everybody enjoyed helping each other and making the crafts. It’s a great way to get everybody involved!


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