Tag Archives: Singing

Walls and district Brownie Jarl squad Visit Aith JHS

Don’t they just look fantastic in their Viking finery?  

Fantastic singing and a skilful demonstration of the cup-song too

              Angela showed us the original Jarl shield from 1987.  She was the Jarl the following year, perhaps Ruby might follow in her mum’s footsteps one day.

30 Years on and still going strong, Three Cheers for the Walls Up-Helly-Aa!

Scottish Opera Fever


On Wednesday the P5, P6 and P7s went down to the hall to practise their opera called Fever with Scottish Opera. Bairns from Nesting, Skeld, Happyhansel and Whiteness came too. There was a man called Roger that came up from Glasgow to help us with the opera. On the 6th of June his colleagues will come up and help us with the actual performance. Mums and dads can come too. By Joann and Asia

