Tag Archives: people place and environment

5 Shetland Schools – The Art World @ Bonhoga

Today, primaries 1 and 6 went to see the exhibition at Bonhoga.  They saw all the work that they had done with Mrs Hunter and Amy Gear in Art.  They also saw work done by children from other schools in Shetland.

We asked the primary 1 what their favourite things were.  They said “busy bogies”, “the firework”, “outside in the long grass among the sculptures” and “finding pencils upstairs”

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All kinds of bears in Primary 1

This week in Primary 1, we are thinking about all kinds of bears.  We have lots of teddy bears in our toy shop, busy dressing bears in all sorts of clothes, making polar and teddy bears in craft activities, polar bears in our icy water and lots of other bear related activities.

On Tuesday, we were really lucky to have a visit from Wendy Inkster who makes Burra Bears.  She told us what she uses to make the bears, how she makes them and brought a lot of different Burra Bears to show us.

There was lots of discussion and questions and we loved Wendy’s visit to Primary 1.IMG_0362[1]

Primary Toy Sale

Primary 1 held their toy sale today to raise money to help pay for their trip to Up Helly Aa next Tuesday.  We received donations of lovely toys, books and games and at 2.00pm there was a mad rush of buying and selling.  Nearly everything was sold.

Primary 1 helped count the money and we were delighted to discover that we had raised about £115!  This will help pay for the bus and possibly a snack for everybody.

Thank you to everyone who donated toys and to everyone who bought from the sale.

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A busy week for Primary 1

This week we have met Tiger Ten and learned our new phonics ‘m‘ and ‘r.’  We have been thinking about fireworks and how to keep safe on bonfire night.  We also spoke about how to keep safe on dark nights by wearing reflective clothes.  We went on a walk with Mrs Nicolson to look at 3D shapes in our environment.

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A busy start to Primary 1

We have had a busy 4 weeks in Primary One.  We have met the first 6 Jolly Phonic sounds, been to the Number Zoo with Penguin One, Ticklish Two and Butterfly Three.  We are learning about 2D shapes and went for a walk to find shapes in our environment.  We have enjoyed our play activities in class where our activity wheel shows us what we can choose and understand what balloon day means.  We also had a visit from Tidou who was a bit shy until we realised that she could only speak French.P1010381    P1010474 P1010385 P1010389P1010460P1010452P1010402P1010375P1010501

Commonwealth Games Legacy

As part of the Commonwealth Games Legacy programme our school was paired with Brunei Darussalam and Jersey. Our pupils Peter, Holly, Yelena and Ishbel designed Fair Isle ganseys for four Shetland ponies, which we sent out to our partner countries. The boxes sent contained photos of our favourite sports, places, information about our school and also local events such as Up Helly Aa. Our cuddly mascots have now returned from their travels and brought with them a huge box of marvellous items from these countries. Have a look!