Tag Archives: Maths

A busy week for Primary 1

This week we have met Tiger Ten and learned our new phonics ‘m‘ and ‘r.’  We have been thinking about fireworks and how to keep safe on bonfire night.  We also spoke about how to keep safe on dark nights by wearing reflective clothes.  We went on a walk with Mrs Nicolson to look at 3D shapes in our environment.

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Last Week of Term

This week everyone has been busy, busy, busy!

On Wednesday Wendy from Burra Bears came in to speak about her workshop. She showed us the bear they made for Shetland wool week. It was very interesting and we all hope she can come again.

In P.E primary 6 and 7 made a human pyramid and it was very hard to do! Everyone kept on falling over and we laughed.

In maths primary 6 and 7 made kites. They were very sturdy but some went in circles when they flew. Were making kites because we’ve been learning about the properties of shapes in Friday maths.

We hope everyone has a lovely holiday!

Burra Bears kite making 4 - Copy pe pyramid - Copy


By Hannah and Noah