Tag Archives: interesting

Primary 3/4/5 trip to Mareel and Scalloway castle

What a busy Monday Primary 3/4/5 have had. Despite chilly weather all pupils were dressed warmly and were raring to go on a very interesting school trip.  First stop was Mareel where we enjoyed the experience of watching the film ‘A Christmas Carol’ in a cinema with our classmates.  Afterwards we went into the projection room, here we found out how films get projected onto the big screen. 

Explaining how 3D films work … and how 3D glasses don’t work if you put them on upside down!


view from the projection room (above) and our next destination, Scalloway castle (below)

How many people can we fit in the prison? (above)

admiring the view from the top of the winding staircase (above)

In the chamber (below)

 With a key that big, it can surely only be for a castle door

 A little play outdoors before we head home again. 

A taste of Thailand

Catherine’s parents have been helping us in school this morning to make some delicious Thai food.  Making the food was great fun and the verdict on the taste …… Awesome! We also learned a few Thai words  Khobkhun Ka! Thank you so much, we had a wonderful time and learned a lot.