Tag Archives: experiments

The smuck experiment

Have you ever wanted to wear slippers (smucks as we say in Shetland dialect) to school?
Have you ever wanted to wear slippers (smucks as we say in Shetland dialect) to school? Following a report on Newsround which claimed Primary schools that allow pupils to wear slippers -or smucks- in class get better grades, Primary 4/5 decided to put the theory to the test.  We will be interested in the results of their experiment – with already the number of pupils keen to participate increasing!

Dissolving Experiments with P3/4/5

Dissolving experiments in P3/4/5
Dissolving experiments in P3/4/5




Primary 3/4/5 have been making predictions about what will happen during dissolving experiments with Mr Rose.  They predicted that hot water would dissolve things faster.  Their investigations proved they were absolutely right! They also discovered that the hotter the water was, the more it could dissolve.

They used salt in their experiments.  How many other things in everyday life do we dissolve? (Here are some of the examples P3/4/5 came up with to get you thinking – coffee, sugar, washing powder…can you think of anymore?)