Tigers and peacocks

this week, we made tiger masks and peacock mask. We coloured the masks in first and then we cut out the eyes. We celetaped a stick on to the chin.  Here are some facts about tigers and peacocks.

facts about peacocks.image

1. Peacocks eat grain, insects, small reptiles, mammals, berries, figs, leaves, seed and flower parts.

2.In the Hindu relegion the peacocks tail symbolise the eyes of gods.

3. Peacocks can live up to 20 years.

4. Peacocks live in forests and rain forests.

5. The peacock is the national animal of India

facts about Bengal  Tigers

1. Bengal tigers live between 15 and 20 years.

2. The roar of the bengal tiger can be heard up to 2 miles.

3. The bengal tiger is the 2nd largest tiger.

4. Baby tigers are called Cubs.

5. The bengal tiger is the national animal of India.

By Sophie, Jack, Amelia and Lily


Da ketling, da fox and da muckle rat

Primary 3,4&5 are busy learning their lines and have started rehearsing for the Shetland County Drama Festival in March.  We are performing on Thursday the 10th of March in the Garrison Theatre, we are very excited already!

*tickets go on sale Friday the 19th of February

Marsali and Izzy, da crofter and a menagerie of animals!
Marsali and Izzy directing da crofter and a menagerie of animals!


Well Done Magnus!

Magnus brought in something very special to show his classmates. He had won the Shetland Swimming age championships Peterson Trophy.  The first time the trophy was presented was in 1979 – can you work out how many names are on the trophy now? (A new name is added each year) Well done to all Westside sharks for doing so well both in the competitions and the dedication you show every week in training.  Mrs Redfern is also very pleased how well everyone is progressing in their school swimming lessons too!

Shark attack!
Shark attack!

Indian spices with Mrs Moffat

On Thursday, Mrs Moffat came in and made Indian curry dip. First we made raita. The ingredients were cucumber, mint leaves and natural yogurt. It was very yummy. Next we made the curry dip. The ingredients are Philadelphia cheese, tomato sauce, mango chutney and  curry powder. It tasted kind of spicy but it was nice. Alicia’s favourite one was the curry dip, Ellie liked all of them and Megan’s favourite one was the curry dip. imageimageimageimage

Another interesting week in p2&3

On Wednesday, Miss Leask showed us how to make flowers garlands. First of all we folded the paper into a little  square and then we cut a tiny hole in the middle. We cut three corners. We unfolded it and the we put the flowers onto a bit of string. We put a straw in between two flowers. imageimage



On the same day,  Miss Leask brought in a Sari. The first person to try it on was Megan. Megan said it felt kind of itchy and she tripped over it. The material felt silky. Alicia said it felt nice. She would of liked to wear it every day. Ellie said it felt nice. It felt itchy on the back of her neck.



On Friday Megan played 2 tunes on her fiddle. She played Mary had a little lamb and a lullaby. Megan’s fiddle is pink. It has a chin rest. Megan doesn’t find it hard to play the fiddle. She enjoys it very muchimage

News Reports – The Moon Landing

This week primary 6 and 7 made news report videos about the landing on the moon in 1969. We chose groups and then decided who was doing each role – newsreader, camera operator and director. We had to research the information first, write a script and then record it. We found out that the moon landing was a huge event, with over 500 million people watching it on their televisions. We enjoyed this task because you had to cooperate and also learn about space history at the same time. Written by Sophie and Ewen

Here is Hannah,Elsie and Iona’s news report:


Our week in p6&7

On Tuesday 2nd of February, Tim Peake did a live broadcast in Space. He told us where he was flying over Africa at the time. He showed us his favourite button which was the one that opened the door to Space. He showed us how water floated in Space and it turned into a bubble. He played water ping pong and then put a fizzy vitamin in the water bubble and it was really cool. When he touched his toes he did a back flip and when he spun he keep going and going for ages. It was really fascinating!




By Sophie and Rhys p6&7



Sophie talks to P2/3 about India

Today Sophie came in to speak to Primary 2&3 about India.

image image imageshe said where she was going stay in India and the place was Goa.  Sophie told us how  to say go away in Indian. It was Naka Naka.   She told us about  the beach, it was big. It was called Ashvem beach. Anjuna  market was big, it looked busy.  In Goa most people  are poor. Water in India isn’t very clean. Some people have wells in their garden. Sophie will have to buy lots of water.  It will take 1 day to get to Goa. She will have to take 4 planes. It is very hot in India.

By Sophie, Ashley, Lorns and Geordie

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