All posts by Mrs Mouat

The 5 senses

Primary 2/3 have been learning about the 5 senses. The 5 senses are taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch.

” When we were doing our sense of taste we had dis peerie cotton buds and den we had to taste dem and they wir bitter, sweet, sour, salty. I liked the sweet taste the best” by Ashley.

“When we were learning about the sense of hearing we watched a play and it was folk fa south that came to the school to learn us about the sense of hearing. The girl Jazz was very funny”. By Geordie.

” when we were learning about the sense of smell, there was different smells inside cups. We had to smell the cups and quests what the smell was and write it down. One was orange and another was honey and strawberry shampoo and the other one was banana. There was also onion in it too. I enjoyed this activity” by Lorns.

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Maths problem solving

imageimageimageimageimageimagePrimary 2/3 have been working very hard to solve maths problems.

” We have been finding out different ways to make the number 14 and 16 using ladybirds” by Edyn

“We worked with a partner to see how many different ways we could make 24. Some examples are: 12+12=24, 20+4=24, 12×2=24. We found out lots and lots of different ways to make 24” by Carlene

“We had to use 2 numbers to find the largest even number, the largest odd number, the smallest odd number and the number closest to 50″ by Oliver

” Problem solving was fantastic, hard and good” 😄 By Edyn, Oliver and Carlene.

French animal booklet

imageimageimageimageimagePrimary 2/3 are learning how to say the animal names in French.

“We have been learning how to say the names of lots and lots of animals in French. In French the word for pig is le cochon”. By Josh

“We have been listening to different animal sounds and learning their names in French. In French the word for dog is le chien” by Isla

“We have been watching different clips about animals and as a class we made a little French animal booklet. In French the word for tiger is le tigre” by Liam


Mini gym

Primary 2/3 topic is the Olympics. We have turned the house corner into a mini gym.

“We can pretend we are training for the Olympics because we have dumbbells, mats and a step” By Emily

“Primary 2/3 have their own exercise booklets. Every week when we go in the mini gym we write down what exercise we have been doing” By Gene

“We made our own membership cards for the mini gym. We wrote our names on the cards and a membership number and our date of birth. Mrs Mouat laminated them” By Ailidh

“We enjoy going in the mini gym because it is lots of fun” by Emily, Gene and Ailidh.

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Tigers and peacocks

this week, we made tiger masks and peacock mask. We coloured the masks in first and then we cut out the eyes. We celetaped a stick on to the chin.  Here are some facts about tigers and peacocks.

facts about peacocks.image

1. Peacocks eat grain, insects, small reptiles, mammals, berries, figs, leaves, seed and flower parts.

2.In the Hindu relegion the peacocks tail symbolise the eyes of gods.

3. Peacocks can live up to 20 years.

4. Peacocks live in forests and rain forests.

5. The peacock is the national animal of India

facts about Bengal  Tigers

1. Bengal tigers live between 15 and 20 years.

2. The roar of the bengal tiger can be heard up to 2 miles.

3. The bengal tiger is the 2nd largest tiger.

4. Baby tigers are called Cubs.

5. The bengal tiger is the national animal of India.

By Sophie, Jack, Amelia and Lily


Indian spices with Mrs Moffat

On Thursday, Mrs Moffat came in and made Indian curry dip. First we made raita. The ingredients were cucumber, mint leaves and natural yogurt. It was very yummy. Next we made the curry dip. The ingredients are Philadelphia cheese, tomato sauce, mango chutney and  curry powder. It tasted kind of spicy but it was nice. Alicia’s favourite one was the curry dip, Ellie liked all of them and Megan’s favourite one was the curry dip. imageimageimageimage

Another interesting week in p2&3

On Wednesday, Miss Leask showed us how to make flowers garlands. First of all we folded the paper into a little  square and then we cut a tiny hole in the middle. We cut three corners. We unfolded it and the we put the flowers onto a bit of string. We put a straw in between two flowers. imageimage



On the same day,  Miss Leask brought in a Sari. The first person to try it on was Megan. Megan said it felt kind of itchy and she tripped over it. The material felt silky. Alicia said it felt nice. She would of liked to wear it every day. Ellie said it felt nice. It felt itchy on the back of her neck.



On Friday Megan played 2 tunes on her fiddle. She played Mary had a little lamb and a lullaby. Megan’s fiddle is pink. It has a chin rest. Megan doesn’t find it hard to play the fiddle. She enjoys it very muchimage

Sophie talks to P2/3 about India

Today Sophie came in to speak to Primary 2&3 about India.

image image imageshe said where she was going stay in India and the place was Goa.  Sophie told us how  to say go away in Indian. It was Naka Naka.   She told us about  the beach, it was big. It was called Ashvem beach. Anjuna  market was big, it looked busy.  In Goa most people  are poor. Water in India isn’t very clean. Some people have wells in their garden. Sophie will have to buy lots of water.  It will take 1 day to get to Goa. She will have to take 4 planes. It is very hot in India.

By Sophie, Ashley, Lorns and Geordie

Primary 2/3 start to term 3

Primary 2/3 have had a busy start to the term.

We have turned the house corner into an Indian restaurant and made a menu board to link in with our topic of India. We have been busy learning the colours in French. On Thursday we read our pen pal letters from Orkney school.

“I have loved playing in the Indian restaurant” by Edyn

“Learning the French colours was good” by Carlene

“I liked reading the pen pal letters” by Oliver

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