All posts by Emily Marie

Our recap of this week

SCIENCE PROJECT: Mould investigation update

This week we have discovered mould on our slices of bread from last  week. The three mouldiest pieces of bread was the one with the dirty handprint on it, the slice that was scrunched up into a ball and the one that was wetted and put into the dark.

We wrote in our science jotters a table with day 1 to 5 and wrote about how mouldy they were and the difference’s that has happened.

by: Ena and Emmy.


Our Week

This week in the Aith school we have had a busy week. On Tuesday we had music we are playing Livin’ on a prayer on lots of different instruments. On Wednesday we had a really busy day we were playing pass the panda in mandarin. We were  drawing dragon fly’s. On Thursday Eliot Tait came in and told us about climate change and what a difference it will make. And to finish off our week on Friday we had carpet bowls, and peerie makers.

By Emily and Mitchell