All posts by Evelyn Catherine

Dictionary game p6/7

Yesterday we played a Halloween dictionary game we had to see if we could beat our teacher

First we had to look at the word on the white board and we had to look in the dictionary to see if we could find it first and if we found it we would have to jump up in the air when we got it.

Evie found it the most times and we beat the teacher with 6-3. YAY!!!!

Have a nice day

By Isla and Evie

P6/7 Chocolate testing

This term the P6/7 class have been learning about Fair Trade.

We tested different types of chocolate and we had to guess which one was fair trade.

We had a dark chocolate square each and we rated it 1-10. then we had another dark chocolate square and rated it 1-10 then we guessed which one was Fair Trade.

We did the same for milk and white chocolate, there was Green and Blacks and Mackies dark chocolate, then Galaxy and Green and Blacks milk for the milk chocolate, then there was Milky Bar and the Co-ops White chocolate.

Fun fact: did you know that Galaxy and Milky Bar are not Fair Trade?

Galaxy won with the highest rating from the class. Yum yum!

By Isla Willmore P6 and Evie Henry P7

Super Movers

On Friday we watched Super Movers live lesson it was about shapes , symmetry, area, width and length.

First we did a weird 5 times table dance.

We worked in pairs and one of us had to freeze in what ever way and the other one had to copy. This helped us to practice mirror symmetry.

We had to draw really hard shapes and mirror them.

It was really fun.

Hope you have a good day.

By Ashley and Evie


This week we learned about mummification. It was pretty disgusting. First they sliced a slice in the left side of the dead body. First they would take out the lung, heart and the stomach and put them in jars. Then they would stuff the body with leaves and sand. After that they would wrap up the body with a special type of cloth. Then they would have a funeral and put the body in the coffin. The cloth was called linen.


By Evie and Robert have a good day.

Mummy crafts

Primary 6/7 has been making the 2D mummy coffins.

We had a plain blue piece of paper, then we added a smaller sheet of gold paper on top so it was like a blue frame around the gold then, we had precut mummies that we had to decorate and add a lot of detail and stick that on. We used paper straws and we could use any pen, pencil or paint it we also used some left over gold and blue paper.


by Evie and Ashley hope you have a good day!