All posts by Ruby Christina

Week 4 Term 3

This week we learned how to say granny and grandad in mandarin, each side of family is said a different way.

This week we learned about our brains, we learned all about the different parts of the brain.

This week we contacted a school from the western isles the school was called sgoil Uibhist a Tuath in the North uist, we told them all about up helly aa, we did a presentation and sung songs.

by Matty and Ruby

Our Week Week 3

This week in maths we made a scale drawing of a theme park.

We learned about Edward Jenner who worked out how that having cow pox meant you could not get small pox. We also learned you can fit 1 million bacteria on a pin head and 1 million viruses in a bacteria.

We started the daily rigour which is solving math problems from the news. We do the daily rigour every week.

In PE we have started doing badminton.

This week in library we learned how to use RB digital with is a online website that you can request books from the Shetland library, you can get all sorts of books and read them on your device.

By Ruby and Regan