All posts by Marley Samual

This week we did science with Mr.Rose, this term we are doing water with him. We were saying that all living things need water, we also learned about the water cycle.

We also made clay birds in class. There is a whole range of birds from Eagles to Puffins, ducks skories and any other British sea birds
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Our trip to the Garrison Theatre

On Thursday the 02-03-17 the classes 4,5,6 and 7 went on a school trip to the museum and the Garrison Theater.

We went to the museum to see some artefacts from the actual Diana of Hull. It was really interesting.

Then we went to rehearse our play. We did it two times. It is called The Story of Diana. This year is the 150th anniversary.

We can’t wait to show you!  Marley and Bethany