All posts by Yelena Sylvia

Our week!

This week primary 7 went to Mrs Mercer’s room with secondary 3 to make a questionair about social media, also primary 6 are carrying on with their EU topic with Mr Balfour for the competition in Lerwick. Primary 3-7 got new equipment to play with outside, we all really enjoy playing with it. Both primary 6-7 Learned about personification and write little paragraphs with personification. This week was primary 7 last week doing STEM with Emma Chittick. We made movies of our robots programmed to do what we like then edited them on computers.

by Yelena


Our busy week !

This week Primary 6 and 7 started writing an imaginative story about Big Ben. The primary science teacher came in and helped us carry on with Living Things topic. Primary 6 started learning about the European Union because there is a competition in Lerwick in February. While Primary 6 were learning about the EU Primary 7 did Robitics with Emma Chitick. We had to program our robots to do certain things like pick up a toy block. This week the Primary Department got a new climbing frame and we feel everyone really enjoys it. We also started our new play called Suspicion (Suspeesion in dialect) by Marsali Taylor which we will be performing at the Drama Festival !!

We feel that this week has been lots of fun and action packed !

By Sadie and Yelena

Making Dumplings!!!!

img_2234 img_2240 img_2249 img_2257 img_2258 img_2263 img_2272 img_2279 img_2280 img_2284 This week p4,5,6,and 7 made dumplings with Wen Ting. We all really enjoyed it. How we did it  was we got different kinds of dumplings in packages with all different kinds of flavours like egg and chives and last but not least  we boiled them. It was really quick and easy to do . We really enjoyed making them (and eating them).


(Happy New Year)

by Yelena and Amelie





Super Health

This week we enjoyed learning about Edward Jenner, he helped stop the terrible disease of  small pox spreading. To make folk immune to smallpox you were given cowpox. The story of the small pox is that one day Edward was given a small dose of small pox at the age of 8. They were given it by blowing smallpox scabs up their nose but one little boy died next to him that was given the same thing. A milk lady came t0 Edward when was a lot older and he was a doctor she said “Since I have cowpox I can’t get smallpox” and this helped him to work out his theory.

by Yelena and Sadie