Friday 19 of November 2021

This week we primary 6+7 have had an active week

Monday-On Monday we designed phone cases of our liking, we came  up with the consepts and made the final ideas we will be making them of felt and meaning we will sew them.

Tuesday-in P.E we where doing badminton (bingo and jail-break) we where just playing in signals. Very enjoyable.

Wednesday-On Wednesday we had music so we where practising for our pantomime of “Jack and the bean stalk” we castes the actors and started on the music.

Thusday-On Thursday we moved our library from Wednesday to Thursday because our librairain was off. We also did a live lesion with someone from SSPCA and we where speaking about animals and their safety.

Friday-On Friday We did jack and the bean stalk songs we did spelling tests like always we worked on our connectives we played a different version of dominos and we worked on our scaled drawings.

-Carah Inkster (P.7 )

My school week

This week we started to make cop26 posters, we had to write some facts about cop26 .

We have started a play about Jack and the bean stalk there is seven songs and a lot of parts .

In PE we were doing badminton.

We did swimming on Monday .

We have been doing decimals in  maths .

We filled out Junior Road Safety application forms if you want to help with road safety.

That is my week well the majority!

By Bobby Graham Forrest