The sun might not have been shining, but the weather did not hamper excitement from the pupils in primary 1 and 2 today, as they set off on their day out to Burra.

Our brilliant bus driver George, assisted by some very knowledgeable navigators in the front seat, drove us to Burra and firstly dropped us off at ‘The Hen Hoose’ where Wendy runs her Burra Bears business from.  She showed us inside her workshop, all the knitwear and fabrics she uses to make the bears and also the processes required for the finished product.  We saw the 3 different sizes of bears she makes and we collected Mrs Moffat’s bear she had had made.

Next, we walked over to ‘The Outpost’ where Margaret met us and we got to see emus, tortoises, goats, rabbits, pigs and wallabies.  We got to feed the animals and the bairns were highly amused at how the goats and pigs fought over the food.

We then followed Margaret to the Bridge End Hall where we enjoyed our packed lunches and had time for games and free play.

George then drove us to Bannamin beach where we spent a lovely afternoon paddling in the sea (brrrr!), finding interesting objects, climbing up among the big stones and playing on the beach.  After a fair amount of “de-sanding” our feet, we got packed up and headed back to the bus.

We had a super day in Burra and would like to say special thanks to George, Margaret Inskster and our helpers Julie, Caroline, Jacqui, Catherine and Carla.






5 thoughts on “PRIMARY 1/2 DAY OUT TO BURRA”

  1. Brilliant photos! Ellie has had a amazing day and is super tired. Thanks to you all for organising and helping.

  2. Fantastic! Xander wis ower da moon-thank you very much fur organising such a lovely day fur dem x

  3. Thanks for the lovely flowers, i enjoyed my day out with you, a very well behaved class o bairns

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